Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 17

Last week, we started the passage on swearing and oaths.  This week’s passage is the second half of it.

Jesus makes things simple.  Let your “yes” be “yes” and your “no” be “no”.  It really is that easy.

But it’s not always that easy to do, is it?  I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find that a simple “yes” or “no” isn’t sufficient.  It should be, but I crave more.  And it never rally adds anything.  You’d think I’d learn…

I’m working on it.

Matthew 5:36-37

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

Do you ever add anything to your “yes” and “no”? Let me know in the comments.


Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 16

The Sermon on the Mount is extremely timely. I often hear people say that the Bible is completely outdated.

Not true. Look at today’s passage, for example. You can find it in Matthew 5:33-35.

This passage speaks to swearing and keeping oaths. When was the last time you heard someone do this? When was the last time you did?

Face it. It’s hard not to swear by something greater than ourselves.

Matthew 5:33-35

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

What do you do to prevent this in your life? Let me know in the comments.

Responding To The Devastating Tornado In Joplin, Missouri

Yesterday evening a very destructive tornado hit Joplin, Missouri.  This is a devastating event, for a lot of people, and there has been a tremendous loss of life and property.

Tornado Damage in Joplin, Missouri

Tornado Damage in Joplin, Missouri

St. John's Regional Medical Center, Joplin, Missouri

St. John's Regional Medical Center, Joplin, Missouri

I have several close friends and family members in the area, and my wife’s sister lives very close to where the tornado hit.  We spent some time on staff at a church in the Joplin area in 2004-2005.  Our son Titus was born there, in Freeman Hospital, just down the road from where the tornado struck.  And Heather and I both graduated from Ozark Christian College, on the north side of Joplin. We are well acquainted with the area and the people.

After several phone calls yesterday, we’ve finally determined that our friends and family are all ok.

Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 15

With the rate of divorce in America, even among Christians, this week’s passage is especially timely.

I understand that this can be a touch topic, but Christ was very up front with the fact that divorce is hated by God.  In this passage, you can almost hear his pain as he talks about it.

The passage for this week is, of course, the divorce passage found in Matthew 5:31-32.

Matthew 5:31-32

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

How has the divorce rate in America affected your family?    Let me know in the comments.


Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 14

Today’s passage is one of the harder teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, in my opinion.  I would like to know if anyone has ever actually cut off a hand, or gouged out an eye. I think that would be extremely difficult to do, given our propensity for self-preservation.

I know, there are differences of opinion on whether this is literal or metaphorical.

But either way, the fact remains, following Christ may require some extreme sacrifices.

The passage for this week is Matthew 5:29-30.

Matthew 5:29-30

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

What sacrifices have you had to make in order to follow Christ?  Which one is your favorite?  Let me know in the comments.


Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 13

I love this section of the Sermon on the Mount. Not just today’s passage, but all of the “You’ve heard that it was said…” parts. Murder and hatred. Adultery and lust. Divorce. Oaths. Revenge. And love.

These statements from Jesus are so simple, and yet so profound. They hit me anew almost every time I read them.

The passage for this week the beginning of the paragraph about adultery, Matthew 5:27-28.

Matthew 5:27-28

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

What are your thoughts on the “You’ve heard that it was said…” passages? Which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments.

Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 12

Moving right along in our memorization of the Sermon on the Mount.

This passage is a bit less poignant in my life.  I’ve never had to take anyone to court, or been taken to court.  It might happen someday, and so this passage will be good to have in my mind to draw on.

The passage for this week is Matthew 5:25-26.

Matthew 5:25-26

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

Have you ever been taken to court?  Let me know in the comments.