Paul finalizes his thoughts in chapter three with a description of the person who has their focus set upon Christ.
Take a look for yourself in Philippians 3:20-21:
Paul gives a description of the one who is an enemy of the cross in the previous verses. In this passage, he gives a series of contrasting statements, showing how one who is heaven focused differs from such an enemy as he described.
This passage brings a lot of encouragement to the reader. Looking at the previous sections of this letter, one could easily get discouraged. Paul stated that everything he had achieved was rubbish, and so it is with our accomplishments. Paul described the enemy of the cross, and gave a pretty dismal picture. What hope is there for us? What can we look to?
Paul gives us that hope in these two verses. In spite of all that he has described that is negative, the final word on the matter is very positive. In giving us this hope, he shows in three distinct ways how the believer is different from the world.
First, the worldly person has their mind set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. We have a home above, but for a time, we are colonists here on earth. In the Roman Empire of Paul’s day, to be a Roman meant that you spread the culture of Rome everywhere you went, and the Philippian believers would have understood this well. That is exactly the purpose we have as believers. We are to spread the culture of heaven, spread the Good News, everywhere we go.