In this final paragraph of Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he gives some final greetings and encouragement to the church he loves dearly.
You can see his final thoughts to them in Philippians 4:21-23:
This is the final paragraph of Paul’s encouraging letter to the church in Philippi.
This greeting comes from four individuals or groups of people, and is given to two different groups of people.
In Paul’s final greeting, he lists those who extend the greeting, becoming more specific with each addition. First of all, and most obviously, Paul himself greets the believers in the Philippian church. Next, the brothers with him send greetings. Other than Timothy, we don’t know who this might have included. Third, all the saints send greetings. And finally, especially those of Caesar’s household. This shows Paul is continuing to be influential with the message of the gospel, even though he is imprisoned.
Next, this greeting is addressed to two different groups: the Philippian believers, who were the primary recipients of Paul’s letter, and also to all the saints. Paul’s greeting is very inclusive of the whole Christian community in Philippi, as he has been throughout the letter. Even though he has had to address a few individuals specifically, he makes sure the whole church in that city is encouraged.