Walk Thru The Bible

How A Weekend Event Can Help Us Read The Bible

Last weekend, we held an event at our church called Walk Thru The Old Testament. It was an excellent event and provided the perfect incentive to encourage our church to spend more time in the Bible.

Walk Thru The Bible

I have had experience with Walk Thru The Bible before, way back in 1995. It has been a while since that seminar, and I really didn’t know just what to expect. I was blown away by just how incredible this ministry is, and how it can impact people.

We started planning for this event several months ago, when I pitched the idea to our leadership team. They seemed to be excited about it, but none of us really knew just how big this would actually turn out to be.

Planning continued, and we tried to do all of the preparatory work by the book. We followed WTB’s schedule closely, publishing ads when they said to publish ads, hanging posters when we were supposed to hang posters, making the announcements so many weeks in advance, and working our way up to the weekend of the event itself.

What happened was absolutely incredible. God’s Word was presented in such a way that many people grasped an overview of portions of Scripture hat they had never put together before.

WTB’s Old Testament event is a five hour event, broken into four separate sessions. We presented the first session during our church service, devoting most of our time to it. After a break for lunch, we returned for the next three sessions, working our way through the Old Testament, from Genesis to Malachi. Along with the overview, we were taught seventy-seven different key points, with creative hand motions, to help us remember it all.

It was one of the best weekends that our church has experienced in a while. A large number of our congregation made the commitment to stay for the duration, and several people from our community joined us for the day. It was a phenomenal success, and we haven’t heard a negative review of it yet.

Through it all, I learned a few key facts about leadership and ministry. I think I have known these, and they may seem like common sense to many, but they were reinforced in my mind very strongly over the weekend.

Memorize Scripture: 1 Peter 2:6

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

In this week’s passage, Peter finally quotes the Old Testament passage that he has been building his argument upon in the previous verses. It is found in Isaiah 28:16, and Paul also quotes it in Romans 9:33.

You can see it for yourself in 1 Peter 2:6.

1 Peter 2:6

The next few verses give Peter’s readers the background for the living stone imagery that he has been describing in this second chapter of his letter.

In the Greek translation of the passage from Isaiah, we see the word akrogoniaios, which is commonly rendered as “cornerstone.” Today, when we think of a cornerstone, we envision a stone that is inserted into a building once it is largely completed, and is cosmetic in nature.

In the ancient world, this was not the case. A cornerstone was critical to the structure of a building. This stone formed a part of the foundation, and from it, the walls and corners would receive their angles and direction. These stones were the first to be laid, and could be as large as fourteen feet in length. The entire building was dependent upon the cornerstone.

Some have suggested that this is more of a keystone than a cornerstone. But a keystone is found near the top of a building. That doesn’t fit the illustration Peter uses, or Isaiah for that matter, since unbelievers will stumble over it. Placing this on the ground as a cornerstone is much more likely to be the meaning of this very uncommon word.

Making Good Friends

One of the most important aspects of life is developing great friendships. We need friends. No one can do life alone. God designed us to be in relationships with one another.

Making Good Friends

But making, and being, a good friend can be difficult sometimes. And especially so if you are the least bit introverted at all. Luckily, there are several things that you and I can do to help develop quality friendships that will last a lifetime.

When you look through the Bible, you see multiple examples of great friendships. For example, King David, before he became king, and Jonathan had an amazing friendship. Their relationship went to great depths, inspiring David to say that it was deeper than any other in 2 Samuel 1:26.

Their relationship went beyond casual acquaintance, deeper than social buddies, and achieved the level that few people ever reach.

A friendship such as this is needed, and it will help you develop into the man or woman that God has created you to be. And when we develop that kind of friendship, it’s because we have learned to be that kind of friend.

There are a few things that you and I can do to build such friendships. Some of them are more difficult than others, but all of these traits will help you be the kind of friend that you want to have.

Memorize Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4-5

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

As Peter gets into the swing of his letter, he uses several metaphors to capture the mind of his readers. That is exactly what he does in this passage, using the metaphor of living stones, being built into a house.

You can see his imagery for yourself in 1 Peter 2:4-5.

1 Peter 2:4-5

This is one of the only sections of 1 Peter that is declarative, along with 1:1-12, while the rest of Peter’s letter is built around exhortations or imperatives. What this means is that this passage, along with the beginning of the chapter one, provide the foundation for the entire letter.

This section, examining the fact that the believers are God’s chosen people, is elemental to the rest of Peter’s encouragement to his first century audience, as well as later readers. This fact provides some immense motivation and encouragement as we understand our identity as God’s chosen people.

Peter begins this entire section (verses 4-10) with the imagery of stones and buildings. This is probably inspired by Psalm 118:22, which Jesus quoted, probably within Peter’s hearing. As a common tradesman, such imagery would have likely stuck in his head, and he uses it here to make his point clear.

Not only does he begin this word picture, but he takes it a step further by adding Jesus in as the “living” stone. And, in verse 5, he will include us in that description as well. That is encouraging, because, just like Jesus, Peter’s readers in Asia Minor were rejected by men, and yet were chosen by God and precious in his sight.

Memorize Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1-3

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

Peter begins the second chapter of his letter with some practical application of what he has instructed in the previous verses. This is directly connected to the previous section with the word “therefore,” and provides sort of a summary of all that has gone before.

Take a look at this week’s passage for yourself in 1 Peter 2:1-3.

1 Peter 2:1-3

In these three verses, Peter gives some instruction on how we are to “love one another deeply,” as he instructed in verse 22 of the first chapter. One of the best ways to do this is by removing those attitudes and actions that destroy relationships.

Peter’s argument is based on the thought that, since we are born again, due to the living and enduring word of God, then we should live as such, and remove anything that gets in the way of living holy lives. In doing so, he gives us five examples of what kinds of things we should strive to avoid.

Memorize Scripture: 1 Peter 1:24-25

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

These two verses wrap up the first chapter of Peter’s first letter, and provide some finality to his discussion of God’s Word and it’s power in our lives. However, his conversation isn’t finished, because he dives into the results of that power as chapter 2 begins.

You can see this week’s passage for yourself in 1 Peter 1:24-25.

1 Peter 1:24-25

In order to drive home the point of the power that God’s Word contains, Peter quotes Isaiah 40:6-8 to his readers. This is helpful to reinforce the point of just how imperishable God’s Word is. Because of such power, it does not fade or fail, and it will not perish.

This quotation draws a pretty strong contrast between the frailty of humanity and the Word of God. Peter’s phrase “all men” is literally “all flesh.” Nothing created can last like God’s Word can.

Humanity and all of creation resemble the grass in Isaiah’s passage. There is a beauty that can be found in our universe, cursed though it is by the Fall. Yet grass withers and fails, and flowers wilt and drop their petals. They do not last.

In the same way, mankind also fades. Our lives are defined with a beginning and an end, and we do not live forever. In fact, even the very creation itself will not last; it is headed for destruction as well.

Memorize Scripture: 1 Peter 1:22-23

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

One of the emphases of Peter’s letter is unity among believers, especially within the local churches. Throughout his letters, he stresses the importance of strong relationships. This passage is the first of several such.

You can see it for yourself in 1 Peter 1:22-23.

1 Peter 1:22-23

If the church is to build strong relationships, then love must be the foundation. As Peter relates the importance of this, he doesn’t really focus on instructing us to love, or even how to love. He focuses first on why we must love. That is where he takes his readers in this passage.

As he discusses this rational, he gives two distinct reasons why we should love, with the command sandwiched in between them.