Memorize Scripture: Psalm 119:53-56

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

The main thrust of this stanza is that God provides comfort during times of suffering. In this passage, that comfort comes in the form of song. Take a look at this passage for yourself in Psalm 119:53-56:

Psalm 119:53-56

When you are in the midst of suffering, your first response probably isn’t to sing. But Scripture makes the connection between the two more than once. God’s Word tells us that to sing when we face suffering, while not the logical choice we might turn to, is the choice we should turn to. The reason, perhaps, is that we can be more aware of God’s comfort in the midst of suffering when we sing.

The most prominent example of this perhaps is the account of Paul and Silas in prison, in Acts 16. The two were in Philippi, and had been severely beaten after driving a demon out of a slave girl. Paul and Silas were stripped and beaten, and then thrown into jail. Around midnight, they were singing and praying, drawing comfort from God for themselves, but also for the other prisoners who were listening to them. An earthquake occurred, and the prison doors were opened, leading to the salvation of the jailer before the night was over.

The fact that Paul and Silas were singing in the middle of the night, in the face of extreme suffering, mirrors Psalm 119 closely. The context of this whole stanza is focused on the persecution of the wicked upon the author, and the suffering he experiences as a result. But in verse 55, he remembers the name of the Lord “in the night,” just like Paul and Silas did.

Matthew’s Introduction Of Jesus

Matthew 1:1

Matthew’s gospel is clearly written to an audience that was primarily Jewish, and with his opening statement, he jumps right in with an immediate connection between the life of Jesus and the much broader story of the descendants of Abraham. Throughout his book, Matthew will draw people to the conclusion over and over again that Jesus is the fulfillment to the promise made to Abraham long ago.

Matthew's Introduction To Jesus

The first chapter of Matthew lists the genealogy of Jesus from Abraham, making the connection for the Jewish mind that Jesus is the Messiah. We will look at the three divisions of the genealogical list next week. Right now, I want to draw our attention just to the very first verse of Matthew 1:

The record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham…

In a sense, this is Matthew’s way of introducing his book, brief though it may be. In this very first sentence, Matthew does three things. First, he draws the Jewish mind to the very earliest of history by using terminology reminiscent of Genesis 2:4 and 5:1, the record of the creation of mankind and the first genealogical listing. Second, he connects Jesus to King David, establishing his right to the eternal throne promised to one of David’s heirs. And third, he connects Jesus to Abraham, equating him with the fulfillment of God’s original promise to Abram and his descendants.

That’s quite a lot of information from a single introductory statement! What Matthew has done here is to set up the mind of the Jewish reader to see just where he’s going, and the full impact of the point he will be making as he lists the genealogical records of Jesus. For the Jewish reader, this has been a long expectation. The coming of Jesus, the Messiah, has has been anticipated since the earliest days of Jewish history, and in fact, anticipated in eternity in heaven!

Memorize Scripture: Psalm 119:49-52

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

Stanza seven, along with the stanzas immediately before and after it, carry a singular focus to them, understanding who God is by a careful study of his Word. In these verses, the particular focus is that of God’s comfort during times of suffering. You can see it in Psalm 119:49-52:

Psalm 119:49-52

The idea of comfort is prevalent in this passage, with the word “comfort” being mentioned twice, in verses 50 and 52, and the phrase “you have given me hope,” which also conveys the idea of comfort, found in verse 51.

It’s interesting to note that while the whole stanza is focused on the psalmist’s need for comfort, his only prayer in this passage is one for hope. He seems to immediately understand that the comfort that God can bring is only to be found in the hope that God offers. The comfort he seeks is not a specific request for his suffering to be removed; it is more of a request to be reassured that God’s promises never fail.

That’s an interesting perspective that we need to keep in mind in the present day. We often ask for God to remove those things which cause pain and suffering, and to be sure, he does do that, but it is more in line with Scripture to seek God’s presence and reassurance during such times than to seek to have them removed from our lives. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not suggesting that we seek out suffering, I’m only suggesting that our views of it may be limited and flawed.

The Gospel of Matthew

An Introduction

One of the most effective ways I have found to study the Bible is to break it up into small passages and study them separately. I have been doing this with the Gospel of Matthew this year, and have found it to be incredibly effective for digesting Scripture in such a way that it can bear fruit in my life, rather than just simply reading it and then forgetting it.

Introduction to Matthew

I call this method the Golden Nugget approach. I have written about it here, but in a nutshell, you simply read until God points out three things to you that you think he wants you to pay attention to. Why three? Because I can remember three easier than I can remember five, or nine, or some other amount. I take these three things, and then I watch for God to teach me about them throughout my day, assuming that if he pointed them out to me, then he wants to teach me something about them.

It has worked for me over the years. I still read through the Bible annually, much of it more than once. But this method has enabled me to apply the passages I read into my life easier, and hopefully I become more of the person God wants me to be.

I have been studying the book of Matthew in this way this year, jotting down my thoughts and journaling about what I read. I’d like to share some of my insights here and work my way through this amazingly practical gospel.

But first, let me share an introduction to the Gospel of Matthew, some details about the author, the date it was written, and the original audience. Knowing this can help us place a lot of what Matthew says in context, and can give us a deeper understanding of his work.

Book Review – Becoming A Welcoming Church by Thom Rainer

Becoming A Welcoming ChurchI have long been a fan of Thom Rainer and his books on church leadership and church growth. But one of his most recent works may just be his best yet. Although it is small, and you can sit down and read it in a couple of hours or an evening, Rainer’s book, Becoming A Welcoming Church, is one of the most vital works on how to attract people to our churches, and how to retain them. To use a phrase he repeats often within these pages, it’s a gospel issue.

Let’s face it. Church culture in western culture is largely running from 35-50 years behind the times. In other words, what worked in the 60s, 70s, or even in the 80s or 90s, doesn’t work anymore in 2018. And if we are going to present a life-saving message to a word that needs to hear it, our methods need to change to something the culture can hear and respond to. That means, among other things, that we need to make sure that when we have a guest in our churches, we make them feel loved and welcome, and give them a reason to come back. Because the more they return, the more they have the opportunity to hear the message of the gospel. It’s that important.

Rainer’s book covers every aspect of what a first time guest might experience. From the church website to the welcome center and greeters, he covers it all. To read this through in one sitting is easy. But to really absorb what he is saying, you might need to read it again and again, and pass it on to other leaders in your church.

Memorize Scripture: Psalm 119:45-48

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

In the first half of this stanza, we saw the psalmist speak of his experiences of God’s love. In the second half, we will see what his response must be. Take a look at it for yourself in Psalm 119:45-48:

Psalm 119:45-48

The writer of Psalm 119 describes the outpouring of God’s love and the salvation that is linked to it in the first verses of this strophe, and concludes that there must be a response on his part, and ours. Those two responses must be as genuine from our hearts as his love and saving grace are for us. What really stands out about this though is that God’s love and salvation result in practical, tangible responses. These are things we must do in response to his love and salvation. Not because that earns us any point, but because we love in return.

These two practical responses are obedience to God’s Word, and sharing his love with those around us, or evangelism.

Memorize Scripture: Psalm 119:41-44

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

The next three strophes of Psalm 119 are centered around finding God in his Word. We will spend several weeks looking at these verse, beginning with the first half of the stanza “waw,” in verses 41-44. You can see it here:

Psalm 119:41-44

The first of these three stanzas is all about God’s love, and the psalmist starts right off with that thought in verse 41. He will also end with that thought in verses 47 and 48, which we will look at next week.

What may be surprising to some readers is that this is the first time the psalmist has addressed God’s love in Psalm 119. What many consider to be the greatest of all of God’s attributes has been largely ignored to this point. Now, however, he jumps right in and speaks of the unfailing nature of that love.

This is also the first mention of God’s salvation in Psalm 119. To be sure, the author has implied it a few times, but here he specifically speaks of God’s promise to save.

Those two concepts go hand in hand however, so it is not surprising that they appear together here. God’s salvation of mankind, of you and me, is entirely dependent upon his love for mankind, and for you and me. The evidence of his love for us is that he saves us, and perhaps it is best stated in 1 John 3:16: “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.”