Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 45

This week’s passage concludes the section we started last week on the wise and foolish builders.

Jesus has equated wisdom with listening to and obeying his words.

Take a look at the passage in Matthew 7:26-27.

Matthew 7:26-27


Last week, we looked at the positive side of the equation, the wise homeowner. This week, we are memorizing the opposite side of the coin, the foolish man.

I’ve had moments where I know I’ve made decisions that fall into this negative category. My goal is to make this happen less and less.

And the key is to be listening to and applying the words of Christ into my life.


What areas do you find yourself struggling to listen to Christ? Let me know in the comments.

The Gift Of Acceptance

This is part of the series The Gifts Of The Holidays: Celebrating Thanksgiving And Christmas. Read more from the series!

Perhaps one of the most craved gifts of Christmas is acceptance.

The Gifts of Christmas

We have such a difficult time with this one, don’t we?

It’s easy to accept those who…

  • Are like us.
  • Have similar interests.
  • Exist in similar circles.
  • We want to be like.
  • Like us.

Fortunately for us, that’s not how God operates.

Imagine if he came to earth to save only the people he liked. Those he didn’t like would have no hope. Those who hated him would be destined for hell. Those who sinned would be out of luck.

That includes you and me.

That’s a hard scenario to imagine, but really, in God’s perfect justice, he would have the right to do just that if he wanted.

Thankfully, he chose to be loving and accepting instead.

Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 44

December is a busy month. Last week was so full that I didn’t even realize that I’d forgotten to schedule this post!

This passage, along with next week, is probably my favorite part of the Sermon on the Mount.

I’m a student. I desire to learn continually. That’s why I read. And that’s why I write. So this passage really speaks to me.

Take a look at the passage in Matthew 7:24-25.

Matthew 7:24-25

As one who is striving to continually learn, when passages speak of wisdom, I tend to perk up.

Like Psalm 111:10:

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.

Jesus makes a similar statement here. He equates wisdom with obedience to his words.

Knowing this helps to keep exposing my life to his Word a top priority. How about you?

How’s your foundation? Let me know in the comments.

Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 43

Wrapping up his discourse on false teachers, Jesus confronts us with a scary thought.

Check out the passage in Matthew 7:21-23.

Matthew 7:21-23

Frankly, this passage scares me.

There will be many people who will claim to be serving Christ, but the reality is this: they are serving their own motives instead.

God, who sees straight to the heart, will discern this, and Christ will deny that he knows them.

What scares me most is the fact that I know my own motivations. I try, but I know just how much I fail to serve Christ rather than my own selfish interests.

Thank God for his grace and strength, because there’s no way I could do this on my own.

Do you ever feel a sense of trepidation, like you might not be doing all you can for God? What do you do about that? Let me know in the comments.

Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 42

This week’s passage continues the discussion about false teachers.

Take a look at the passage in Matthew 7:18-20.

Matthew 7:18-20

Jesus was a master at creating vivid imagery in his teachings. He has an incredible way of painting a picture with words that is perfectly displayed in the mind’s eye.

This example is no different.

Tagging onto last week’s passage about false teachers and the way that you can recognize them, this example explains just what will happen to those teachers.

Jesus talks about fruit. Just like trees, if we bear good fruit, that’s great. But if we bear bad fruit… Well, bad trees are destroyed.

“Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”

Are you bearing good fruit, or bad fruit? Let me know in the comments.

Our Tradition: Expressing Thanks

This is part of the series The Gifts Of The Holidays: Celebrating Thanksgiving And Christmas. Read more from the series!

One of the character traits we are trying to instill in our children is gratefulness.

And so we have developed several traditions that help to foster this.

The Gifts Of Thanksgiving

This is a habit we strive for all year long, but it seems especially powerful around Thanksgiving time.

It’s the habit of expressing our thanks.

For us, it’s simple. When we are seated at the table for our Thanksgiving meal, we go around the room, allowing each person the chance to share what they are thankful for, especially over the past year.

We also do this on a more immediate basis in our family devotions regularly. We each share something we are thankful for from the day or the last week.

We have five young kids. It gets pretty entertaining as they come up with things that they are thankful for, because once they share the basics, such as family, food, our home, and friends, we encourage them to get more creative.