How To Determine God’s Will For My Life

One question I hear frequently is “How do I know what God’s will is for my life?”

This is a pretty complex question. And the answer isn’t always a simple one. There are many things that factor into understanding what God wants you to do with your life, or even in any given situation.

Question Mark Cloud

But at the core of this answer lie two foundational elements: Prayer and the Word.

I know. It sounds trite and overly simplistic. But it’s true. These two elements are necessary to understanding what God want’s for your life.

Memorize Scripture – Week 8

Do you ever get the feeling that you aren’t in control?

I don’t know about you, but I hate that feeling.

However, that is something that I’m just going to have to learn to live with. Take a look at Proverbs 16:9:

Proverbs 16:9

I can make my plans, but God’s plan supersedes mine. I can direct my life in the directions I want to go, but what God wants is what will occur.

The key, is to develop such a heart for God, and a heart like his, that my wants reflect his wants, that my desires are what he desires, that my plans are set because I’m in tune with his plan.

How does one go about achieving that?

Prayer. Studying the Word.




What plans do you have in your life that you need to seek God’s counsel on? You can share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Memorize Scripture – Week 7

This week, I’ve been struck with the sense of entitlement that most people seem to have.

It’s disgusting.

But as I look at my life, I see that I’m just as gross. So many of my thoughts are centered around my wants, my desires, me…

But thankfulness should be the state of my heart, because of what God has done for me.

This week’s passage is from Psalm 30:11-12. Check it out:

Psalm 30:11-12

God did for me what I could not do for myself. God removed my sin, and made me a new creation. God gave me a reason for joy.

My life should reflect a response of gratitude.

Do you live with a sense of entitlement, or with an attitude of gratitude? You can share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Classic Bible: My Favorite Passages From Joshua

This is part of the Classic Bible: Favorite Stories & Passages series. Read more from the series!

2012 is a year of challenge for me.

I typically read through the Bible at least once each year, and many times I make it through twice. But this year, I’m stepping it up a bit.

I’ve decided to use Professor Grant Horner’s Bible Reading System, reading 3660 chapters of the Bible over the course of the year. This is the equivalent of more than three times through the Bible. Not every passage will be read three times, but many will be read much more than that.


In the process of going through the Old Testament books of history, I recently finished the book of Joshua. While this isn’t my favorite Old Testament book, there were several passages that jumped out to me.

Memorize Scripture – Week 6

One of the things I’m most concerned about in my life is the legacy I am leaving for my children. This is one of the main reasons I journal fastidiously.

I want to make sure that I live my life in such a way that my top priority, in my life, my marriage, my family, my job, is always and only my God.

I crave a singleness of heart like Jeremiah speaks of in this week’s passage. Take a look at Jeremiah 32:39:

Jeremiah 32:39

I am confident that if I live my life to the best of my ability for God and his purposes, then my children will see that and choose to follow that path as well.

I am confident that if I succeed in establishing the most dynamic ministry out there, but lose my family, then I have failed.

I am confident that if I teach and uphold biblical principles to my children, then they will be armed with the knowledge to face what the world has to offer and make the right choices.

I am confident that when God says that fearing him is for my own good, and for the good of my children, he has my best interests at heart.

I am confident. That is why I hope.

Do you think about the legacy you are leaving for your children and future generations? You can share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Memorize Scripture – Week 5

A few nights ago, I was at the high school for a basketball game. As I pulled up, the sun was setting, and this is what I saw:

Ozarks Sunset in January

It reminded me of this week’s passage, which speaks of the majesty of God. Take a look at Psalm 57:5:

Psalm 57:5

When I think of the majesty of God, some of the first things that come to mind are images of God’s creation: sunsets, mountain ranges, waterfalls.

How great is our God who gave us such a variety of beauty!

What does this passage bring to your mind? You can share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Scripture Stickies: And The Winner Is…

Last week, I wrote a review of Scripture Stickies, Post-It notes printed with passages of Scripture that can help you memorize.

Along with my review, I presented three opportunities to win a set of Scripture Stickies for yourself.

These things are pretty cool. It’s such a simple concept. You take one and stick it where you’ll see it frequently. Every time you see it and read it, you’re that much closer to memorizing it.

Scripture Stickies

I had three packets to give away, to three commenters. However, only one person left a comment. She will receive all three packets: Friendship, Love, and Get Well Soon.

And so, the winner is…

Trisha Irvin!

Each packet that Trisha receives comes with ten stickies, two each of five verses on any given topic. That’s a total of 30 Scripture Stickies that Trisha will be able to stick around her home! That’s pretty cool.

Don’t forget…

Readers of receive an additional bonus when they order Scripture Stickies! If you make a purchase from, enter the code “RANDLEMAN” at checkout to receive a ten percent discount and free shipping!

Congratulations to Trisha Irvin. I hope these Scripture Stickies are a fun and encouraging resource enabling her to memorize more passages from God’s Word.

What do you do to help you memorize Scripture? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.