This is part of the Classic Bible: Favorite Stories & Passages series. Read more from the series!
Have you ever wondered why many people don’t seem to read much of the prophecy book of the Old Testament? I have. And I wonder if those people have any idea of what they are missing.

The books of prophecy can be intimidating, I understand that. They are written in poetic form, and address people and events that seem far removed from life in the twenty-first century.
But nothing could be further from the truth!
These books are full of incredible passages, passages that proclaim God’s promises and presence to his people, both in ancient times and now.
Take the book of Amos for example. This short book begins by announcing judgment upon eight nations. Six of those nations surrounded Israel, and God was proclaiming punishment on them for their oppression upon other people. The seventh nation listed was the nation of Judah, with whom Israel shared a close cultural and national heritage.
But the eighth nation listed was Israel, not because the oppressed other peoples; Israel oppressed her own people and was guilty of a grave injustice.
Amos is believed to be one of the earliest prophets to write, and his book is dated to the eighth century BC, along with Hosea, Isaiah and Micah. This was a time of great prosperity for the nation of Israel, and they were at peace with their neighboring nations. But blessing and prosperity can soon degrade into complacency and corruption. This is the climate into which Amos writes.
Even though much of this book details God’s judgment upon these nations for their oppressive ways, there are sparks of light that shine through, giving us a glimpse of God’s ultimate plans.