Paul may be facing the end of his days on earth. But he knows that God may choose to leave him here for a while more. Whichever may be the case, he encourages the Philippian believers to stay strong.
Take a look at this week’s passage in Philippians 1:27-28:
With these verses, Paul shifts from talking about his own circumstances and begins to exhort the Philippian believers to stand strong in unity and one spirit. The only way the gospel message could be presented effectively was through a unified stance together. The same is true today.
Paul begins this exhortation with the statement, “whatever happens.” This phrase is a very emphatic marker, bringing the reader’s attention to the next words. What does Paul state next? That the Philippians should conduct themselves “in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” Remember, this letter is addressed to the community of believers at Philippi, so Paul is not speaking of personal holiness here, although that application can certainly hover as a secondary idea from this and other Pauline passages.
Paul’s primary concern here is for the conduct of the believers as a group, as a community. Philippi was known for their pride in their Roman citizenship. And yet, as Christians, their citizenship is in heaven. Their lives should display this, especially as a community of believers, together.