He’s God And We’re Not by Ray Pritchard (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2003)
As I grow in my own faith and maturity, I am always on the lookout for good books that help develop my spiritual life. A few years ago, a good friend suggested that I read Ray Pritchard’s book He’s God And We’re Not. I picked up a copy on Amazon and promptly placed it on my “to read” shelf… And forgot about it.
Recently, I was going through some thing in my office, reorganizing my desk and the area around it, and I happened to see this book on the shelf. After a quick glance through it to remind myself of the basics, I decided that this might be an excellent resource to read during this time of quarantine.
Pritchard decided to see if he could identify the basic laws that govern the spiritual life. In his quest, he discovered seven of the most basic spiritual realities that form the foundation for our spiritual growth; the first of these is, “He’s God and we’re not.”
I am finding this to be an excellent tool to help me reflect upon my own spiritual life, and to identify those areas where I need to continue to focus my efforts. It has the potential to be a life-changing resource that I return to time and again as I strive to be all that God has created me to be.
I am only a few chapters in at this point, but I highly recommend that you pick up a copy and read it. I think you’ll be as encouraged as I am, and you will be able to see what the next steps might be for your own spiritual growth. You can pick up a copy on Amazon.
The more holy a man becomes, the more he will loathe and mourn over the remains of indwelling sin.
Ministry Candidate
You may know that our church, Parkview Christian Church, has been searching for a new Associate Minister since last November. Our previous Associate took a position with his home church, and we began the search for the person God was leading to us, and leading us to. Our search team has reviewed several resumes during the intervening months, and we feel like God may be narrowing down our focus to a specific person and his family. They will be with us this weekend for interviews, to get to know us, and us them, and to spend time with us on Sunday during our services.
That makes this a pretty significant weekend for both this family and our church. Would you please be in prayer for us, both the church and our leadership, and this man and his family? Here are a few things I would ask you to pray for:
This man and his family to clearly understand God’s call to them.
Our church leadership, as they strive to understand God’s plan.
Pray that we trust God for his timing and work.
Pray for the logistical details to fall into place.
Pray that God’s work through PVCC can make an impact in Sedalia.
Thanks for lifting our church up!
The truly wise man is he who always believes the Bible against the opinion of any man.
God’s Word, when rightly expounded, is medicinal for a whole host of spiritual diseases.
New Year’s Resolutions are designed to fail. And even though the number of people making them is rising, especially among Millennials, they just aren’t really that good at creating lasting life change. We need a better strategy for making and achieving our goals. Your Best Year Ever strives to help you do just that.
I have been following Michael Hyatt for years. I first found his blog and learned a lot about leadership from it. Then I discovered some of his books, like Free To Focus and Living Forward. Those were both great, by the way. And they pair perfectly with Your Best Year Ever.
Between the three of them, you get a high altitude look at your goals and life plan, you get a mid-range perspective, and you get a close up look at how you accomplish the best things you want to accomplish.
I’m only a few chapters in, but so far, there are some excellent tips and tools to help make goal-setting easier, and the changes we want to make more lasting.
I think it’s a must-read. You can find a copy in various formats on Amazon. Grab one and see how it might help your life.
Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.