The Baptism Of Jesus: The Matthew Account

A Look At Matthew 3:13-17

Matthew concludes chapter three with an account of the baptism of Jesus. This is a significant event that marks the beginning of his ministry, and is punctuated with the voice of God declaring himself pleased.

Matthew 3:13-17

Matthew has not mentioned Jesus since Joseph moved the family to Nazareth at the end of chapter two. Most of this third chapter has been focused on John the Baptist and his ministry preparing the way for Jesus to come. Luke gives a snapshot of the life of Jesus, when he was twelve years old, when he amazed the religious leaders with his wisdom, in Luke 2:41-52.

Now, John’s ministry wanes as Jesus begins the public part of his life, ultimately leading to the cross. During the time preceding this event, Jesus has worked with his earthly father, Joseph, as a carpenter in Nazareth. From that location, he probably had to walk seventy or eighty miles to the Jordan River to be baptized.

The baptism of Jesus is not an action that he performed as a result of John’s preaching. As far as we know, Jesus never heard John preach. No, this is an action prompted by the Father, which Jesus obeyed willingly.

John, however, was not as willing to perform this baptism, and tried to prevent it (verse 14). This suggests that John knew exactly who Jesus was, and realized that he should be the one being baptized instead.

Coffee Break – 03.02.2020

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

Time for a Coffee Break! On this day in history: In 1899, Mount Rainier National Park in Washington was established by the U.S. Congress. In 1904, Theodor Geisel, better known to the world as Dr. Seuss, the author and illustrator of many beloved children’s books, was born in Springfield, Massachusetts. And in 1933, the motion picture King Kong had its world premiere in New York.

Coffee Break

Today Is National Read Across America Day!
Celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss, and read with your kids!

The Problem With Blonde Roasts – I enjoy a nice light roasted coffee for my coffee break. I prefer my roasts to be in the City to City+ range, which is lighter, trending toward medium, but not quite there yet. However, some people like their coffee even lighter than that. It’s called a cinnamon roast, but has been termed “blonde” by many. So what’s up with the blonde roast?

Ten Books Men Should Read – I enjoy when people and blogs I follow offer their reading lists. I usually populate my Amazon wish list with books found on such lists, and look forward to eventually adding them to my library. Here are a few you and I should consider.

On The Far Side – My favorite comic strip was definitely The Far Side (followed closely by Calvin and Hobbes). Have you ever wondered what Gary Larson is doing now?

The Deepest Dive In Antarctica Reveals A Sea Floor Teeming With Life – This planet holds such an incredible variety of life, even deep in the coldest of oceans. Our creator is such an imaginative God! You’ll have to ignore the old earth assumptions though.

Weekend To Remember

Weekend To Remember

For several years, I have heard about Family Life’s Weekend To Remember event. This is a marriage retreat and conference designed to help build and reinforce healthy marriages. I have wanted to attend with my wife for quite some time, but have never had the opportunity due to schedule conflicts.

Family Life realizes that these events are important for all marriages, but they also realize the challenges that come for those in full time ministry. As a result, they have chosen to offer these events for free to ministers.

So, for the first time, Heather and I are able to attend one of these conferences. I am looking forward to it, and excited to see how it will impact our marriage and our relationship with each other.

Heather and I have been married for twenty-six years. We have, in my opinion, a strong and vibrant marriage. But as with anything else, there is always room for us to grow stronger together, room to improve. I expect this weekend to give us some good ideas on how to achieve that.

Please keep us in your prayers as we seek to honor God even better with our marriage.

Pharisees And Sadducees in Matthew 3

Matthew 3:7-12

After the introduction of John the Baptist, Matthew turns his attention to the opposition, the Pharisees and Sadducees. These were two of the religious/political parties in Israel, and were prominent in the Sanhedrin, the ruling Council of the Jewish people.

Pharisees and Sadducees

First, it’s worth taking a moment to understand just who the Pharisees and Sadducees were. Pharisees were a sect of the Jews founded in the days of Jonathan the high priest, somewhere around 159-144 BC. The word “Pharisee” means “the separate.” Originally, they were patriots and reformers. Pharisees believed in the resurrection of the dead, and in an afterlife that contained rewards and punishments. The believed in angels and spirits. In the days of Herod, there were an estimated number of around 6,000 Pharisees.

By the time of Jesus’ life, they had degenerated into a party of formalists, who paid more attention to outward forms and expressions than to the inner life. They were scrupulous in their observation of religious ceremonies, and were very orthodox. But their weakness was that they were full of spiritual pride.

The Pharisees rival in the Council were the Sadducees. Their name probably comes from their founder, Zadok, who were originally called Zadokites. This word probably eventually transitioned to Sadducees. They denied everything the Pharisees held to: the resurrection, rewards or punishments in the future life, and the reality of angels and spirits. Most Sadducees were wealthy, and they held the high priesthood. With more of a disposition for the pagans nations around Israel, the Sadducees held more favor with Rome. Anything spiritual was simply a facade, because they were filled with unbelief.

Preaching Teaching Convention

Each year, my alma mater, Ozark Christian College, hosts the Preaching-Teaching Convention. This year looks to be an exceptional opportunity to be fed spiritually for a few days. With a focus on the book of Acts, and a lineup of great speakers and workshops, I’m looking forward to attending.

This is an opportunity I take advantage of each year. Ozark’s campus is in Joplin, MO, so it’s a short trip to make for a few days of renewal and refreshing for my soul, and reconnecting with friends, old and new.

If you re planning on going, let me know so we can connect. If you aren’t going, but are close enough, you should consider it. It’s an excellent opportunity to soak up some good teaching form God’s Word, and to see what God is doing through the ministry of Ozark Christian College.

Not only did my wife and I both attend, but one of my kids is there now, with another planning on going this fall. I’m excited about the legacy of ministry that is forming in my family, and look forward to seeing what God will do in the generations yet to come.

I encourage you to take advantage of the Preaching-Teaching Convention if you are able to. It will be well worth your time.

Preaching-Teaching 2020

John The Baptist: An Introduction By Matthew

Matthew 3:1-6

Last year, I began a study through the book of Matthew. After a few posts, I put that study on hold until I finished my run through Psalm 119. So this year, I’ll be picking that study up where we left off. Matthew 3 begins with an introduction of John the Baptist, and his involvement in preparing the way for Jesus’ ministry.

Matthew 3:1-6

In Matthew 2, we read about Joseph taking the baby Jesus to Egypt and then returning. In Matthew 3, we see the ministry of John the Baptist, preaching a message of repentance. With the change to a new chapter, Matthew skips over a period of nearly thirty years. Only in Luke do we see any details of this period, with the description of Jesus visiting the temple at age 12 (Luke 2:41-51).

As you read through Matthew 3, take a look over at the parallel passages in Mark 1:1-11, and Luke 3:1-22. These will help you better understand the big picture of what is happening here.

Matthew 3:1 begins with the phrase ““Now in those days…” This is an expression in the Hebrew language that isn’t very time specific. It means “in that age” or “in that era,” much like our own phrase, “the good old days.” Matthew is referring back to a time when John was actively ministering, and the ministry of Jesus was just beginning.

This is our first introduction to John the Baptist. He was a cousin to Jesus, according to Luke 1:36. Their mothers were together for a period of three months just before either of them were born, and you can imagine, with the angelic announcements and special circumstances surrounding both of their births, these two women repeated the stories of their births often. John probably grew up with a solid sense of his mission, as revealed to his parents before he was even born.