Moving forward in Matthew 5. This week we’re working on the city on a hill passage.
The Sermon on the Mount is one of my favorite passages in the New Testament. I love the simplicity with which Jesus gives such practical advice.
Memorizing Scripture is easy. I find it easiest to write out the passage, or print it out, and place it someplace where I will see it frequently. The more I read it, the more likely I am to have it memorized by the end of the week.
A lot of people tell me that they can’t memorize anything. I don’t believe that. I think they just haven’t exercised their memorization muscles enough to keep them limber. If that’s you, keep at it. It gets easier with time.
Here’s our passage for this week: Matthew 5:14-16.
Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.
Let me know how you’re doing!