Memorize Scripture – Week 43

In the midst of a difficult situation, have you ever wondered “Why is this happening to me?”

I have.

And I think James gives us a hint as to the answer. Check it out in James 1:2-3:

James 1:2-3

God uses our tough times to grow us.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe that God necessarily causes us to face trials. For example, I don’t believe that God caused the cancer that claimed the lives of my brother and my father. No, I think sin is the culprit. Not sin in a specific way, but our sinful nature, the Fall, the curse, as described in Genesis 3. When sin entered the world, death and destruction and disease came with it.

And probably bell peppers, too.

No, God doesn’t cause all of our trials, but he can and will use them for our growth and good.

And so, James tells us to consider that as a reason to rejoice. Growth will be the result.

This has been true in my life, and I’m sure it’s been true in yours as well.

How has God used trials as a catalyst for growth in your life? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.