Memorize Scripture – Week 18

If you know much about me, you know that I am very passionate about the creation narrative, and the creation passages found throughout the rest of the Bible.

One such passage is found in Romans 1:20-21:

Romans 1:20

Romans 1:21

While this passage doesn’t tell us much about the creation events themselves, it does give us some incredible insight into God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature.

Since these qualities of the Creator are so clearly demonstrated in the creation, we have no excuse; nature itself proclaims that there is a God, and points us to him.

But this passage also tells us that if we choose to ignore this, the consequences are dire.

That’s something I choose to avoid. I choose to see God in what I see around me: the colors of the flowers and trees, the sunset over the Gulf of Mexico, the beauty in the clouds as the sun outlines them in silver and gold.

Creation itself shows us that there is a God, and he loves us very dearly.

When is the last time you saw God in your surroundings? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

6 thoughts on “Memorize Scripture – Week 18

  1. I agree. For me, it’s the bigger birds: hawks, owls, eagles. God’s majesty is evident in these.

  2. They wanted the loaves and the fishes! Beware the yeast of the Pharisees and Saduccees; words spoken by our Lord with just as much import today as yesterday. Christ in His eternal omniscience knew Jerusalem would be destroyed in 70AD and thus speaks these words for us today as well. The ceremonious and sanctimonious Pharisees added to God’s words and decrees, the rationalistic Saduccees subtracted from God’s words and decrees. We do not treat His word as a salad bar from which we can pick and choose what appeals to us and what does not. As a minister of God you should know this, we don’t choose to avoid or ignore. ALL SCRIPTURE is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching and reproving.

    • You misunderstand. What I choose to avoid are the consequences of such darkened thinking that Paul writes about. I do not “pick and choose” from the Bible what I want to accept. All of the Bible is God’s Word. In fact, I’ll go even further: The Bible doesn’t contain God’s Word; it is itself God’s Word. Thanks for your comment.

      • My apology Jeff, i should have read more carefully. Perhaps just a word or two about His divine attribute ‘wrath’ might also have been appropriate? One would not want to include too much hellfire in our ministry to babes in Christ but we certainly should not exclude it either. But i know you know this. ;-)Cheers -in His grip

        • I understand your point, but this is a memorization challenge, not an exegetical analysis. Thanks for sharing!

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