Memorize Scripture – Week 12

Our lives are in a pretty significant state of upheaval right now. We are moving from the south-central part of Missouri to the Gulf coast of Florida.

This isn’t a move we really sought out. The opportunity just fell into our laps, and God worked out the details.

And we are convinced he is leading in this.

That makes this week’s passage seem especially poignant. Take a look at it in 1 Corinthians 2:9, from the NLT:

1 Corinthians 2:9

God does things so much bigger and more magnificent than I, or any of us, can even possibly imagine.

And there are layers here that we can uncover one at a time.

From this verse I can see that God’s provision for me is huge:

  • He loves me.
  • He saved me.
  • He has provided my family.
  • He has worked continually in my life in so many ways.
  • He has orchestrated this transition to Florida and has displayed his involvement in the tiniest details.
  • He has prepared a place for me that is better than Florida, or Missouri… Heaven.

Watching as he unfolds his story in my life is an incredible experience! I am continually surprised and amazed!

What is God doing in your life right now that defies the imagination? You can share your thoughts in the comments section below.