Memorize Scripture: Psalm 119:61-64

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

In the previous verses, the psalmist has been seeking God’s presence in his life, so that he may understand and know God as fully as he can. He listed three ways to do this. In the remainder of this stanza, he lists three more ways. Take a look at these verses in Psalm 119:61-64:

Psalm 119:61-64

In the four verses that began this stanza, the psalmist showed three ways that he had discovered to help him understand God better, and he found these, and God himself, by searching the Word of God. He committed to seek God face (verse 58), follow God’s statutes (verse 59), and obey God’s commands (verse 60).

These three things, and the additional three we will see in this passage, show us how we can get to know the author of Scripture in a very close and personal way. After all, this is what the psalmist is pursuing, and it is what we should be pursuing as well. I stated this before, and it is worth repeating: The main purpose for a careful study of God’s Word is to get to know God himself. One can know everything there is to know about God and about his Word, but if he does not know God himself, he has missed the point. Scripture was given to us so that we can know its author, the author of life itself, as intimately as we can.

As the psalmist is seeking his portion, his “share” of God, he has realized that nothing short of God himself will suffice. What he wants from God… is God. And the place to which he turns to find God is Scripture. In the remainder of this stanza, he shares three more ways that he seeks and pursues the Father. This is what we ought to do as well.

Remember God’s Law (verse 61)

Perhaps the biggest fault in our lives as Christians is that we tend to forget. We get so wrapped up in ourselves that we lose sight of God’s law and God’s love. We don’t intend to do this, we just do. Maybe it’s our human nature; maybe it’s our fallen nature. Perhaps it’s just sin, plain and simple. Whatever the reason, we need to seek out ways to be intentional in remembering God’s Word. We need to do whatever it takes to not forget.

Thank God For His Laws (verse 62)

God’s Word brings life and joy and peace and goodness. It’s not something that we must endure, it is something that is filled with the greatest of all God’s blessings. Our only proper response is one of gratitude and thankfulness. Perhaps when we are struggling with the weight of life or circumstances or some other thing that has the potential to weigh us down, we should practice being thankful instead. You might be surprised at the result.

Identify With Others Who Follow God (verse 63)

None of us can do this on our own, we all need each other. That’s the beauty of the church. There are others that are on the same path that we are, that have struggled in the same ways we have, that have been blessed by God is similar ways. We can share life with one another and make the burdens easier to bear together. Encouraging one another can be a very powerful thing.

The result of all of this is that we can see that God’s love fills the earth (verse 64). And the psalmist’s response to that love? Once again, he cries, “Teach me your decrees!”

Question: Of the six things the psalmist lists, which do you find easiest? Which is your biggest struggle? Who do you know that can come alongside you and encourage you in these areas? You can leave a comment by clicking here.