Coffee Break – 12.02.2013

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Healthy Homemade Coffee Ice Cream Recipe – It’s never too cold for ice cream. And when you add coffee to it, that makes it even better. When we make it, we’ll leave the vodka out. That ruins the flavor, in my opinion, and isn’t necessary for a great bowl of ice cream.

Chicken Promote Luxury Cars – Hopefully, the next fifty-five seconds will help put a smile on your face. Mercedes-Benz got creative with… you guessed it. Chickens!

Surreal Landscapes From Around The World – We live in a world where God’s creative variety surrounds us. Here are some incredible shots of this planet we live on, and the beauty it contains.

The Death Of History’s Most Notorious Heretic – “Who is church history’s most notorious false teacher? It might not be possible to answer that question definitively. But if we were to create a top-ten “most wanted” list, the name Arius would undoubtedly be near the top.” Church history fans will enjoy this.

State Of The American Church – I hear statements all the time that say something to the effect that the church in America is dying. While we are in a state of transition, is the church here in the US really dying? Ed Stetzer has some great thoughts on this topic.

Real Men Journal – One of my spiritual disciplines is the habit of journaling. I use several formats in doing this, depending on my day-to-day, need-to-remember type things, using Field Notes, to my full-scale, leave-a-legacy journaling. Here are my thoughts on that. This article gives more great input on the idea.

The Ultimate Secret To Effective Writing And Preaching – Since we’re on the subject of writing, this post briefly describes what makes your writing, or your preaching, or anything else for that matter, great. Ready for the secret?

Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience. – Francis Bacon