Coffee Break – 11.19.2012

Coffee Break

Monday Mocca – This is a quick but well-done video done by students in Sweden. Great way to spice up your Monday morning.

Lagoons In The Brazil Desert – Every year, a desert in northeastern Brazil receives a rainy season. And, every year, the valleys in between the sand dunes fill with water, creating a stunningly beautiful landscape. And it looks like a lot of fun, too.

The 5 PM Quiz: George Costanza’s Resume – This is the first of two articles from However this one was too good to pass up. One of my favorite TV shows of all time is Seinfeld. I’ve watched every episode numerous times. This quiz covers the myriad of jobs that George had, wanted to have, or made up during the nine years that the show ran. I scored 80% (I am ashamed…). How well will you score?

9 Things Invented For Military Use That You Now Encounter In Everyday Life – Have you ever wondered where something came from? Often, the technology that we take for granted every day was first developed with a military application in mind. I found these nine examples interesting. Some I knew, but others surprised me.

Did Jesus Turn Water Into Wine Or Grape Juice? – This is a question I get a lot, especially from teens. When Jesus turned the water into something else at the wedding party in Cana in Galilee, was it grape juice, unfermented wine, or regular wine? This article looks in depth at the issue, what it meant then, and how it applies today.

3 Benefits Of Praying with Your Wife – One of my passions in life is to be an excellent father. But in order for that to happen, I first need to be an excellent husband. Some Wise Guy gets straight to the point with these three things that you can gain in your marriage by praying with your spouse.

Between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out. – Ancient Proverb