Starbucks Cup Art – I am not a fan of Starbucks coffee. I find it over-roasted, and over-priced. One of my favorite phrases is, “Friends don’t let friends drink Starbucks.” However, some people have created some pretty cool works of art out of a Starbucks cup. Check out the Pinterest page too.
Common MythConceptions – Snopes.com is one of the places I turn to to debunk myths on the Internet. But this infographic shows several common and persistent myths that we believe.
Don’t Waste Your Two Most Productive Hours – The past few years, I’ve discovered that my more productive time of day has shifted to the mornings, and particularly the early morning hours. But I still struggle with checking email and doing other mindless tasks during this time.
7 Sure-Fire Ways To Reduce Stress And Restore Your Sanity – We live in a stressful society, and we don’t know how to slow down and reduce that stress load. Here are seven ways to do that. I especially love the ideas in numbers 4, 5 and 7.
6 Reasons To Live More Simply – And Give More Generously – A lot of times, I needlessly complicate my life. And those complications are usually centered around the “stuff” that I own or want, and my desire to get more. So that makes the challenge in this article very meaningful. Plus, I suspect that this isn’t something that I face alone. I think there are a lot of others who deal with the same problem.
6 Great Reasons To Study Doctrine – I feel like we have been declining in our focus on doctrine for the past few decades in American Christianity. We have been focusing more on experience instead. But truth and doctrine need to be held to firmly, and here are several good reasons for that.
Nearness to God brings likeness to God. The more you see God the more of God will be seen in you. – C. H. Spurgeon