Coffee Break – 10.29.2012

Coffee Break

Coffee Planet Photographs – Some people see coffee when they look into their cup. Others see much more, such as Mark Youd. He sees planets. And they are beautiful!  See more of his work on Flickr.

Typographically Inspiring Quotes – I love seeing the creativity of others. So when I saw these creative designs, it sparked my own. The ones on this page are excellent, but be forewarned, if you go to the original source linked in this article, a few may be offensive.

What Hemingway Can Teach Photographers – This could be called What Hemingway Can Teach Writers as well, because the principle holds true no matter what you’re doing.

A Lesson On Impermanence From A Ruined Baseball – Most of us regard our possessions too highly. I know I am guilty of this. I get too protective and grouchy when the kids want to use something of mine. Maybe we just need to let go.

Eric Lomax – While the obituary page isn’t where I normally find inspiration, in this case it does. This obituary tells briefly the story of Eric Lomax, who was a Japanese prisoner of war during World War 2. Interrogated and tortured ruthlessly, Lomax eventually was released, only to be continually tortured by his mind, memories and post-traumatic stress. What eventually led to his healing was the forgiveness and reconciliation of his primary captor. With a heavy theme of forgiveness and grace, his story is simply incredible!

6 Warning Sings We’re Becoming Accidental Pharisees – We’ve all experienced it. We get judged by someone. And it’s never comfortable. But then we turn around and do it ourselves. Accidental Pharisees. In this article, Larry Osborn gives a brief synopsis of six things we can do to avoid such legalistic attitudes.  If you want to read more, you can purchase the book.

You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do. – Henry Ford

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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