How Is Coffee Decaffeinated? – I told a friend one time that decaffeinated coffee is made from the dirt surrounding a coffee bush. He believed me. But how is it really achieved? Here is a brief look at the process.
Shaped By Time – Time lapse photography is quickly becoming one of my favorite formats. Especially when it involves such spectacular landscapes as this short film does. Stunning imagery.
16 Of The Most Amazing Trees In The World – Also in the category of stunning landscape photography is this collection of trees. These are some beautiful examples of God’s creativity as well.
Do You Hate To Wait? – Delayed gratification is something that we largely have forgotten about in our culture. We hate to wait. But waiting and patience has its benefits. This article gives some great perspective on what to do when we have to wait.
Mentoring 101 – Mentoring is a biblical concept that provides an incredible amount of strength for those who practice it regularly. In the New Testament, we see Paul mentoring Timothy and others. Jesus mentored the Twelve. Too often, we think we can do everything on our own though. We need a mentor. We need to mentor.
Dads, Plan For Family Time This Fall – One of the weakest aspects of my family life is planning family time. We are all so busy, that it just slips away. We have to be intentional if we are going to make family time a priority. That’s why this article is so encouraging.
God’s heart, not mine, is the measure of his giving; not my capacity to receive, but his capacity to give. – C. H. Spurgeon