Coffee Break – 09.15.2014

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Drinking Coffee From A Mug – Most places sell coffee in disposable cups. But there is a distinct advantage in using a mug that can be utilized over and over. Here is a list of several benefits. One that they don’t mention is the possibility of adverse health effects from using heated Styrofoam.

Hidden Miracles Of The Natural World – I really enjoy watching and listening to TED Talks. This one weds the worlds of technology and biology, the manmade world and the natural world.

China’s Mysterious Stone Forest – Here is another testament to the amazing world we live in. This place is incredibly beautiful.

22 Facts About Sleep That Will Surprise You – We live in a sleep-deprived culture. Most people get less sleep than they need. But we would gain a significant advantage if we understood our need for sleep better. This infographic gives you a head start on that.

Why We Love To Read – This is short. But it says so much! While I find this to be true much of the time, I also read simply because I love to read. I read because it can be a form of worship. And I read because it helps me understand who I am.

Why It’s Wrong For Christians To Mistreat Creation – How well do we understand the concept of dominion? “A false view of dominion has played a role in the mistreatment of creation, but a correct understanding of the concept can lead to service, responsibility, and stewardship.”

Finding Perfection In Marriage? – We all know our own failures too well. And we know those of our spouse, too. But God has placed you and your husband or wife together for a reason. This brief article examines that idea.

It is a reading age, a preaching age, a working age, but it is not a praying age. – C. H. Spurgeon