Coffee Break – 09.07.2015

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

Today is Labor Day. The first Monday in September, Labor Day is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

Coffee Break

Other items of interest on this day in history: In 1813, the nickname “Uncle Sam” was first used as a symbolic reference to the United States. The reference appeared in an editorial in the New York’s Troy Post. In 1880, George Ligowsky was granted a patent for his device that threw clay pigeons for trapshooters. And in 1930, the cartoon “Blondie” made its first appearance in the comic strips.

Tobacco Free Coffee Chew – I have a very hard time understanding why this is a real thing. But since it is tobacco-free, and apparently tastes good, I ordered one. And guess what? It does taste good. But I can’t imagine a tobacco chewer substituting this for their usual chew.

15 Magic Tricks You Didn’t Know You Could Do – These are the kinds of tricks that will help you be the cool uncle or aunt. Many of these are simple, but with a bit of practice, look very convincing. Have fun!

Breathtaking Photos From Around America – Some of the most beautiful parts of the US are maintained and managed by the US Department of the Interior. And, naturally, they have some pretty impressive photos of these sites. You will be inspired!

Debunking OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a very real thing. But we often throw that term around for a lot of behaviors that are not OCD. Here are some of the myths surrounding OCD, and the truth about them. This is a very enlightening video.

Today In Church History
Yesterday, September 6, marks the anniversary of the Mayflower setting sail for New England in 1620. Read more about it here.

What The Bible Says About Sleep Habits – With my recent diagnosis of sleep apnea, I am much more interested in articles such as this, about sleep, sleep habits, and what we can do to sleep well. I found this one particularly interesting.

Why Is Evolution So Widely Believed? – This is a brief article examining why so many people accept evolution when there are so many scientific proofs against it. He makes some very valid points, but misses the obvious: conviction and guilt. If people accept that the universe was created, then therefore, there must be a Creator. And if there is a Creator, then he demands a response from us. For many, it is much more comfortable to just disbelieve.

Principles For Protecting Your Marriage – My wife and I have been married for more than 21 years. And we still must take specific, intentional steps to protect our marriage from the forces in this world that would tear it apart. And you know what? It’s worth every bit of effort it takes!