On this day in history: In 1852, the first pre-stamped envelopes were created with legislation of the U.S. Congress. In 1887, the kinetoscope was patented by Thomas Edison. The device was used to produce moving pictures. And in 1920, John Lloyd Wright was issued a patent for “Toy-Cabin Construction,” which are known as Lincoln Logs. These are important events!
Leaf Paintings Made With Coffee Leftovers – It is becoming something of a fad to create art with coffee. I find this both intriguing and disappointing. Intriguing because of people and their creativity. Disappointing because it seems some are just jumping on bandwagons. This artist, however, is especially creative.
Being The Best Dressed Man – I enjoy looking my best. I love looking as good as I possibly can. Sometimes, though, it can be intimidating, and I’m not sure why, really. But at least I know I’m not alone in this. This article acknowledges that fear and gives some encouragement in that regard.
Bizarre Objects Owned By Henry VIII – This famous British king held an eccentric collection of some of the strangest things. Purple velvet bagpipes? Really?
Industrial Light And Magic Celebrated 40 Years! – Earlier this year, ILM celebrated their anniversary. This video shows 40 years of special effects in about a minute. Pretty impressing how cutting edge ILM has always been. And I’m sure they will continue to be.
Today In Church History
In 1240, Raymond Nonnatus died. This man, though few know of him, spent a lifetime redeeming black slaves from the Moors in North Africa, eventually giving himself for the slaves. His life is simple, yet amazing. Read more about him here.
3 Helpful Instructions On Keeping A Journal – One of my daily disciplines is the habit of journaling. Frankly, it is one I struggle with to maintain all the time. Sometimes I will go days without an entry, simply because I forget. This article is helpful for those who are striving to instill this discipline in their lives.
What To Do After You Preach – My first reaction after I preach is to head home and take a nap. Preaching is both rejuvenating and exhausting at the same time. Here are some more spiritually minded lessons for what to do after the sermon has been finished.
15 Wisdom Principles On Deciding When To Stop Having Children – With a large family (we have seven kids), we frequently hear comments about “knowing when to quit.” But we love our large family, and these principles have all crossed our minds at one time or another.