The Coffee Plate – My guess is most people don’t know the purpose of the saucer or place that sits under a coffee cup. According to this infographic, there is a rich and interesting history to that piece of china.
22 Of The Most Creative Statues Around The World – The creativity of man never ceases to amaze me. These statues prove that our minds are creative, reflecting our Creator.
What Gives A Dollar Bill Its Value? – Some of my favorite videos are among the TED Talks. This video on currency and value is from the Educational side of TED. Short and interesting.
9 Things Rich People Do Differently Every Day – The habits of effective and successful people are intriguing to me. This article suggests that the wealthy also have some habits that contribute to their success. While these might not have created the wealth, they certainly help them manage it better.
7 Different Ways To Read A Book – I am always looking for ways to improve my reading ability and comprehension skills to new levels. I don’t use each of these approaches to reading, but I suppose they each have a place.
Memorizing The Bible – Reading is important, no matter what approach you take. But there are some things that need to be taken to a deeper level. Scripture memorization is one of these things. This is an encouraging article about one pastor who has memorized a significant amount of it.
Developing Enduring Accountability Relationships – One of the most significant avenues of spiritual growth is finding a partner to hold you accountable in your life. This blog post looks at some of the key characteristics, and will help you begin, develop, and improve that significant aspect of your spiritual life.
If I love to be loved more than to love, to be served more than to serve, then I know nothing of Calvary love. – Amy Carmichael