Burr Versus Blade Grinder – One of the most critical elements in making good coffee is getting a good consistent grind. The Roasterie has a pretty comprehensive comparison of the tow types of grinders in this post. All of my grinders are burr grinders, due to the better consistency. It makes for a better cup of coffee in my Chemex.
California Is An Island? – That’s the case according to this map from 1639. This is pretty interesting, and the story behind it is fun to read. I’d love to hang one of these on my wall, but I’m sure it’s probably very expensive…
Artwork Made From Pencils – I found this incredibly captivating and inspiring. Very impressive creativity.
Genesis Confirmed In Clay – This is a book review of The Authenticity Of The Book Of Genesis by Bill Cooper. I have not read this, but after this article, I want to. However, I have read Cooper’s book, After The Flood, and I absolutely loved it.
How To Reduce Stress In A Few Simple Steps – Stress is one of my major enemies. I get stressed easy, and I don’t always deal with it well. This article has a few simple ways to avoid stress in your life. Though easy, simple really, these are pretty helpful
Slow-To-Anger Parenting – A couple of my kids have reached the age where their attitude really tries my patience. This article was a helpful reminder to me to be the dad I need to be to my kids.
The primary qualification for a missionary is not love for souls, as we so often hear, but love for Christ. – Vance Havner