Chemex Review – I talk about the Chemex a lot, especially in the Coffee Break posts. Here’s a review of the Chemex from someone besides me, but this sums up nicely why I like mine so much. You can purchase one at Amazon.com.
The Typewriter Book – I enjoy all things writing. I’d like to own a vintage typewriter someday to write correspondence with, among other things. Someone wrote a comprehensive history of the typewriter. This book would fascinate me. It’s now added to my wishlist.
Saving Private Smith – Maybe you’ve seen the movie Saving Private Ryan. If not, you need to watch it. What most people don’t know is that the scenario played out in the movie parallels one from real life, from Great Britain. This was a very interesting historical article.
Odd Calendars – With all the recent attention of a series of blood moons, several people have looked closer at such phenomenon. That leads to the question of calendars. This article from Creation.com is pretty informative.
Sharpen Your Affections With Fasting – Most people I know have little or no experience with fasting, even in the church. That is something we need to change. A friend of mine starts every year with 21 days of fasting and prayer with his church. That may just be an idea that we will look at more closely. In the meantime, check this post out on the topic.
Why My Family Doesn’t Do Sleepovers – Tim Challies posted this late last month, and it generated a lot of attention. I found it to state basically my own feelings on the matter; however, we live in such a small town that it’s easier to know the families of my kids’ friends. That said, his ideas here are worth considering.
Martin Luther once said that when we are converted to Christ, we undergo three conversions: the conversion of our heart, the conversion of our mind, and the conversion of our wallet. In fact, one of the most concrete indicators that a person is genuinely experiencing the converting work of the Holy Spirit is that their relationship toward money is changing. – Ken Shigematsu, God In My Everything