Coffee Break – 04.15.2013

Coffee Break

How Much Caffeine Would It Take To Kill You? – After a family filed a lawsuit against Monster Energy Drinks last year, this question has popped up every now and then. But what does the science say? Just how much caffeine would a person have to consume for it to be lethal? The conclusions are pretty interesting.

8 Official State Dinosaurs – Every state has a state bird and a state flower. Many have a state fossil. But did you know some states have a state dinosaur? Here are seven states that do, and one tongue-in-cheek dino added to the list. Proud to be a Missourian right now…

How To Use Milestones To Kick-Start A New Thing – Jon Stolpe discusses in this article how a mile stone can be a great motivator. This principle is one of the main reasons I journal.

Life Is Too Short To be In A Hurry – Productivity is the currency of our time it seems. Everyone is in a hurry, striving to be as efficient and effective as possible. But is that the right thing to do and be? This article reminds us of some important priorities.

The Antidote To Materialism – As Americans, we tend to be caught by our stuff. Materialism is rampant. But what’s the answer? Generosity. Here are eleven brief principles on how to develop this quality.

3801 Lancaster – It doesn’t take us long to sink to depths unimaginable because of our sinfulness. This is a very disturbing documentary of what is happening in our nation under the guise of choice. It’s time we put this to a stop. Be warned: you will be disturbed by this film.

Consumerism is not based on the amount of money we have to spend; it’s rooted in the way we think about the amount of money we have to spend. – Randy Frazee