Coffee Break – 02.26.2018

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

On this day in history: In 1919, Arizona’s Grand Canyon was established as a National Park with an act of the U.S. Congress. Ten years later, in 1929, President Coolidge signed a bill creating the Grand Teton National Park. And in 1933, a ground-breaking ceremony was held at Crissy Field for the Golden Gate Bridge.

Coffee Break

Today Is National Pistachio Day!
If you don’t like pistachios, go buy some for me!

Drink Four Cups Of Coffee A Day And You Could Live Longer – I already knew this, but to have a study confirm it is nice. And, at the rate I’m going, I should live forever.

Because Paper Has Soul – I write a lot, most of it digitally. But I love the concept of analog even more. I journal on paper, usually with a fountain pen. I write letters on an old Royal typewriter occasionally. Why? Because paper has soul.

Is The F-35 A Trillion-Dollar Mistake? – This is a lengthy article about the new F35 warplane, but if you are an airplane or jet fan, you’ll find it interesting.

4K Stormlapse – It has been rainy here all week. Not really stormy, but steady rain. So here is a timelapse of storms to help you out.

Today In Church History
On February 26, 398, John Chrysostom, one of the Early Church Fathers, unwillingly became bishop of Constantinople. However, he continually held to a strict interpretation of God’s Word, even in the face of adverse politics. Read more about him here.

How To Clean Up Evernote – I love Evernote. I use it for several different purposes, including saving and filing notes, as is intended, and for writing projects, and to-do lists, and much more. But it can get cluttered up in a hurry. Here are a few suggestions for keeping it clean, or for making a clean sweep and starting over.

5 Simple Morning Habits That Will Increase Productivity – I find that my best time is morning time. I haven’t always been that way, but have gradually changed to a morning person over the years. Here are a few suggestions to help you become more productive in the mornings.

He’s Memorized 42 Books Of The Bible And You Can, Too – I am a strong proponent of Scripture memorization. I think it is one of the most neglected aspects of the spiritual disciplines, and I think we need to reincorporate it into our daily lives. This guy does it through simple repetition. This article describes it pretty accurately, or you can just buy his book on it here.