Coffee Break – 02.24.2014

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Before There Was Tea, There Was Coffee – When most people think of coffee, they generally don’t think of England. But did you know that for over a hundred years, coffee was the drink of choice in England? This small bit of history is incredibly fascinating.

How Dogs Drink Water – I’ve always thought that the way a dog drinks sure does waste a lot of water. It’s not very efficient. Actually, it’s pretty cool how dogs are designed. Have you ever wondered why dogs have such big tongues? Now you know…

Get More Sleep – I’ve been saying this for years, without the scientific study to back it up. And now, there’s an infographic.

Why Writers Are The Worst Procrastinators – This is something I have to guard against very carefully. If I don’t, I procrastinate everything. So I found this interesting.

The Danger Of Forgetting How To Read The Bible – Over the course of my ministry, I’ve known dozens of men and women who destroyed their ministries because of a moral failure. It’s sad, but I think these men and women could have prevented their fall. When we forget how to read the Bible devotionally, we are in danger of seeing our spiritual growth stagnate. And that will always lead to problems.

On Humility – Humility is one of those characteristics we seem to have eliminated from our lives. But it is extremely necessary. This is a well written article describing the need and benefits of keeping this attitude forefront in our lives.

7 Habits Of A Highly Effective Date Night – My wife and I try to date at least every other week, without the kids. Here are a few good points to keep in mind as you strive to date your spouse.

The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them; a man may live long yet live very little. – Michel de Montaigne, French essayist