Coffee Break – 01.13.2020

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

Time for a Coffee Break! On this day in history: In 1854, Anthony Faas of Philadelphia, PA, was granted the first U.S. patent for the accordion. He made improvements to the keyboard and enhanced the sound. In 1906, Hugh Gernsback, of the Electro Importing Company, advertised radio receivers for sale for the price of just $7.50 in Scientific American magazine. In 1928, Ernst F. W. Alexanderson gave the first public demonstration of television. And in 1968, Johnny Cash played for inmates at California’s Folsom Prison. This concert and the live recorded album from it launched him back onto the charts and re-defined his career.

Coffee Break

Today Is National Clean Off Your Desk Day!
But if that is undesirable, it’s also National Rubber Ducky Day. That’s much better!

Next Generation Instant Coffee – I generally dislike (abhor) instant coffee. However, I found this review to be interesting. I may have to give these a try, just to see if there’s anything to this idea. Might be good for a Coffee Break…

Travel Smart: 7 Space-Saving Packing Tips For Men – If you travel a lot, then you need to read these tips. I have utilized several of these in my travels, whether for overnighters or longer trips. They really help!

10 Things You Can Do with Pennies – I hate carrying change. But at the same time, every time I see a penny on the ground, I pick it up. After all, they add up eventually. Here are a few ideas of what you can do with them.

It’s Not You. Phones Are Designed To Be Addicting – Smart phone use is increasing, and more and more people seem to have that blue glow reflecting off of their faces more and more of the time. This video explains why.

Today In Church History
On January 13, in the year 1547, the Council of Trent approved a decree on justification. This was largely in response to Martin Luther and the Reformation he sparked. Read more about it here.

Windows Of The World – This might be an amusing concept to some, but I see it as an expression of how people view the world around them, and what they look through to do so. It’s captivating.

Who Were The Pharisees? – The Bible speaks of a group known as the Pharisees a lot. But just who were these people? And what beliefs did they hold? This is a brief explanation.

Who Were The Sadducees? – A second group of people who were influential politically in the Bible were the Sadducees. How did they compare to the Pharisees? What did they believe? Though brief, this is a good summary.

Death Is A Vapor – James tells us that life is a vapor, and is fleeting. But as you read through the Bible, you see that death is the enemy. This article is very thought provoking and is worth taking the time to examine the concept of death, and how it isn’t even supposed to be a part of our reality.

What The Word Of God Says About The Word Of God – There are a lot of characteristics about the Word of God that are familiar, like living and active, God-breathed, and many more. This article lists something unique about the Word of God from every single book of the Bible. Very intriguing!

Coffee Break is over. Time to get back to work! 🙂