Coffee Break – 01.05.2015

Happy New Year! It’s 2015! I’m very excited about what this year has in store and the things that it will bring for my family and for myself. I am pretty excited about what I have planned for, too!

Coffee Break

French Press Tutorial – A lot of people I know like to use a French press, or a press pot, to make their coffee. Frankly, I prefer other methods, such as the Chemex, but if it is done right, a press can make a pretty good cup of coffee. Most people don’t take the time to learn the proper method though. Here is a brief tutorial, with a troubleshooting guide, showing how to get consistent coffee, every time.

Beautiful Chemical Reactions – The wonders of creation! There are beautiful things happening, even though we may not be able to see them. The reactions in this video are simply beautiful.

25 Precarious Cities – Beauty isn’t simply found at the molecular level. There is beauty in the architecture found around the world, especially when it is built right on the edge of nature’s beauty. Check out these cities on the edge.

DNA Evidence Casts Doubt On Richard III’s Claim To The Throne – A few years ago, in 2012, a skeleton was found when a parking lot in England was being built. It turned out to be the remains of King Richard III. However, a careful DNA analysis shows that he may not have been a legitimate heir to the throne. Very interesting indeed.

The Benefits Of Sitting Under Expository Preaching – I have been preaching weekly now for most of two years, after spending more than two decades as a youth minister. I’m growing in my abilities to preach effectively, and study any resources I can find. I particularly enjoyed this article describing the benefits of expository preaching from the point of view of the person in the pew.

Ten Practical Ways to Control Spending and Wisely Manage God’s Money – One of my biggest struggles throughout my life has been making wise choices with my finances. It is very easy for me to make impulse purchases, and I have to guard carefully against that. Here are some good points to consider if you struggle with that as well.

2015 Bible Reading Plans – Since it’s a brand new year, I’ve updated the free Bible Reading Plans ebooklet for 2015. This is a free download for all those who subscribe via email. It has three different plans that will help you read through the entire Bible this year, and a host of other resources. It’s not to late to get started!

It must not be expected that the devil will let those rest who are laboring to destroy his kingdom. – Thomas Watson