More E.M. Bounds On Prayer

Last week, I shared a passage from E.M Bounds, on prayer. Here’s another paragraph that has been inspirational in my life.

Woman In Prayer

This quote comes from The Possibilities Of Prayer, and Bounds seems to be asking if we, perhaps unintentionally, place constraints upon God’s willingness or ability to answer prayer.

The utmost possibilities of prayer have rarely been realized. The promises of God are so great to those who truly pray, when he puts himself so fully into the hands of the praying ones, that it almost staggers our faith and causes us to hesitate with astonishment. His promise to answer, and to do, and to give “all things,” “anything,” “whatsoever,” and “all things whatsoever,” is so large, so great, so exceedingly broad, that we stand back in amazement and give ourselves to questioning and doubt. We “stagger at the promise through unbelief.” Really the answers of God to prayer have been pared down by us to our little faith, and have been brought down to the low level of our narrow notions about God’s ability, liberality, and resources. Let us ever keep in mind and never for one moment allow ourselves to doubt the statement that God means what he says in all of his promises…. His promises are for plain people, and he means to do for all who pray just what he says he will do.

Do you take God at word? What do you do to help yourself grow in your faithfulness in prayer?

If you are interested in reading more from E.M. Bounds on prayer, you can you can purchase his collected works at

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E.M. Bounds on Prayer

Hands Folded In Prayer

It’s Friday. My goal for Friday is to give you something that’s either an inspiration to me or a great resource that I’ve found helpful. This week, I’d like to share something that has impacted me pretty heavily.

A few years ago, I read several of E.M. Bounds’ books on prayer. These are powerful books, and I go back to them again and again.

In The Reality Of Prayer, Bounds describes what pray is, and what it isn’t. This is something that I’ve copied and stashed in several places, so that I come across it frequently and remind myself of the reality of prayer. I hope you find it as encouraging as I do.

Stuff You Can Use

It’s Friday. That means it’s time to take a quick look at a resource that I find helpful or inspirational.

This week I want to share a great website hosted by Southeast Christian Church, in Louisville, KY. It’s a collection of resources, images, videos, and messages that were produced for SCC’s student ministry and young adult/college ministry.

Stuff I Can Use

Their purpose is to share the quality productions that they’ve created for their own use. After they finish with them, they figured that it’s pointless to just leave them sitting around, collecting digital dust. So they posted them to share with other ministries. For free.

Did you catch that last part? It’s free.

Free Resources!

I often run across things that help me grow as a leader, as a minister, as a husband and father, or simply as a Christian. Often those things catch me by surprise, but more often, of late, I’ve been discovering them intentionally.

And so, on Fridays, I will post resources that I’ve found useful, from blogs to books to quotes, to products to software, and more. Many of them will be free. Some of them may not be. But all of them have one thing in common: they have helped me grow. And I want to pass that opportunity on.

This week, I want to direct your attention to a leadership blog that I follow. Ron Edmondson is one of the co-pastors of Grace Community Church in Clarksville, TN. His blog,, is full of great insights on leadership, church and culture.

David Crowder’s New Music Video, SMS [Shine]

I’m not sure what to think here. I’ve watched this video at least six times.

The first couple of times I was completely captivated by the videography and the creativity in it.

But the next few views, the message really stopped me and it all started to sink in. After I was able to move past the Lite Brite, and see what the Lite Brite was displaying… Wow. I sat here in my office in tears wondering why simple stop-action photography should evoke such a strong emotional response. I was over-whelmed. In fact, I’m still not sure how to express exactly how I feel. So, I’ll just let you watch it for yourself.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Interested in how and why they did this? Here’s the explanation from David Crowder’s blog.

Sushi Etiquette

I ran across this the other day. I found it amusing and somewhat educational. Based on this, most of the people I see at sushi bars and hibachi grills don’t know how to eat sushi properly…

Sushi Etiquette

Agree? Disagree? Comments? Let me know if you eat sushi properly, and how you do it. Or if you even care…

The Great Bible Give-Away

Bible is giving away 72 Bibles over a period of six months. And you can have up to five chances to win one. Thesze Bibles are a in a variety of styles and versions, so there is something for everyone.

Here’s what they have to say:

Logos Bible Software is celebrating the launch of their new online Bible by giving away 72 ultra-premium print Bibles at a rate of 12 per month for six months. The Bible giveaway is being held at and you can get up to five different entries each month! After you enter, be sure to check out Logos and see how it can revolutionize your Bible study.

This is an incredible opportnity to win a Bible for yourself or to give away as a gift. Good luck!