Why You Should Choose SnapShot Web For Your Ministry’s Website

Want to save money and easily build an incredible website for your church or ministry?  SnapShot Web is the way to go.  In a moment, I’ll explain how you can save $50 off of any SnapShot package!

Recently, we launched a new website for our church.

You want to talk about an amazing resource?  SnapShot Web is simply incredible.  We’ve been using it for a few months now, and frankly, I am very impressed.

SnapShot Web

I first heard about SnapShot several years ago, when it was a bit different of a program.  I actually have an old version of the software lying around my office somewhere, which you could install on your computer and use to build webs.

I didn’t use it much.  It wasn’t very user-friendly.  When I heard that they switched to being a web-based application, I was intrigued, but not very interested.  I was learning to code HTML at that point, and wasn’t very interested in any “help.”  Pretty arrogant, I know…

Fast forward to 2010.  A friend of mine told me they were building their church’s website using SnapShot.  He’s a youth minister in Arkansas.  You can check out his church’s site here, and see how they’ve used SnapShot.

I was impressed with what I saw.  I was even more impressed with the ease with which he told me it was created.  I decided to check out SnapShot a bit more closely for myself.

I did some research, presented it to the rest of our staff and our church board, and the rest is history.  We signed on and started building a new design.

Here are five reasons why your church should also use SnapShot Web to build a great website.

JeffRandleman.com Business Cards

I created some business cards this week for my blog.  I’m not sure that I’m ready to make the jump into this being a full-fledged business, but as I write more, and develop more content, I thought it might be a good idea to have something to hand out to people when I talk about my site.

Plus, my last name is always misspelled.  It seems like people always want to make it “Randallman” for some reason.  Very rarely does someone get it right without me having to correct them.  This way, there’s not chance of them misspelling it, only a chance of them losing the card.

I designed two different types of cards.  I couldn’t decide which one I liked best, so I ordered both of them.  That solved my dilemma quite nicely.

My Go To Books On Leadership

I believe that leadership skills are essential in ministry.


I’ve watched too many people in ministry fail, or be less effective than they could be, because of a lack of leadership abilities.

I’ve identified the top books on my shelf in this area to share with you.  There are dozens of books that have helped me grow in my leadership abilities, way too many to list here.

Here are my top five.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership, by John C. Maxwell
This resource has been around for several years, and is the first book that I read that sparked my leadership interests.  In it, Maxwell identifies the top 21 qualities that are essential in a leader.  In my opinion, this is the essential book on leadership to have on your shelf.  (View The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership on Amazon.com.)

E.M. Bounds On Prayer…. One More Time

I find a lot of stuff from E.M Bounds very uplifting. I’ve shared a couple of those quotes over the last couple of week. You can view them here and here. This week, I want to share with you one more quote from Bounds.

Man Praying

This quote comes from The Essentials Of Prayer. In this paragraph, he describes just what happens when we pray in times of trouble.

Prayer in the time of trouble brings comfort, help, hope, and blessings, which, while not removing the trouble, enable the saint to better bear it and to submit to the will of God. Prayer opens the eyes to see God’s hand in trouble. Prayer does not interpret God’s providences, but it does justify them and recognize God in them. Prayer enables us to see wise ends in trouble. Prayer in trouble drives us away from unbelief, saves us from doubt, and delivers from all vain and foolish questionings because of our painful experiences.

When you face times of trouble, do you despair? Or do you turn to prayer? How have you experienced God’s faithfulness in those situations?

If you are interested in reading more from E.M. Bounds on prayer, you can you can purchase his collected works at Amazon.com.

Disclosure of Material Connection:
Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Standard Theme – Best. Theme. Ever.

When I started out on this blogging adventure, I had no clue what was going on. I picked a blogging platform at random, not knowing much about any of them. God must have been watching my choices, because I picked the absolute best platform out there: WordPress!

I started with a site that they hosted, but after a year, I decided that I needed to have more control of my online presence. I switched to WordPress.org, and self-hosted my site. This time, I researched things a little bit better and discovered the absolute best theme available: Standard Theme! I’ve been able to customize it to my own tastes, and have had a great experience with a well-coded theme, from an amazing company, with superb support!

Standard Theme

The 8bit team rocks! 

Right now, and through February 15, they are offering a 20% discount on Standard Theme. It’s simple. Buy a Standard License, and get a great theme. Buy a Support License, and get a great theme, unlimited forum access, and free upgrades for life. What could be better than that?

Hello Bar

I just received an invite to the closed beta service of Hello Bar. I’ve plugged it in and love the way it looks so far. Thanks to Church Crunch for the invite.

Hello Bar Website

The settings are simple to customize, but what I love best so far are the stats.

Hello Bar on my site

I have 5 invites to pass out three left, so if you’d like one, leave a comment and I’ll pick five to send it out to.