Top Posts For October 2011

October has come and gone. My writing schedule has tightened up a bit, and will continue to do so through the fall.

Last month, I mentioned that I have some exciting things in store this fall, including several give-aways and a couple of opportunities to guest post. More on those as they approach.

I’m also knee deep in writing a book. Some of the content for that project will probably end up here in the near future. Keep an eye out for that.

Word Picture from

In case you missed them, here are my top seven posts for October:

  1. Hubble Deep Space Field
  2. Video Review: Book Book Cases For iPhone 4 and iPad 2
  3. Book Review: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  4. Book Review: Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas
  5. The Maniac And The Messiah
  6. Why You Need To Develop A Philosophy Of Ministry
  7. Book Review: Eat Mor Chikin; Inspire More People by S. Truett Cathy

As usual, my post containing an image of the Hubble Deep Space Field generated far more traffic than anything else.   Also, my About Page made the cut.  This continually reinforces the need to make this page as incredible as possible.

My book reviews continue to surprise me with how often they show up in this list. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised; after all, reviewing books for several different publishers is one of the main reasons I blog.

October also provided the opportunity for me to meet with two different photographers. Out of those shoots, I have several new portraits of myself that will help update the site and keep it current.

My personal favorite post this month was 10 Benefits Of Consistent Journaling. Which one was yours?

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.


Counterfeit Gods by Timothy Keller

Counterfeit GodsRecently, I’ve been reading a lot of stuff by Timothy Keller.

And I am impressed!

A friend of mine recommended that I pick up a copy of Counterfeit Gods and read it. So I purchased a copy almost a year ago, and promptly forgot about it. It’s been sitting on my shelf ever since.

I decided to take it with me to Wilderness a couple of weeks ago and read it while I was there. As it turns out, I had unknowingly brought the book that most of the sessions were drawn from. I read it entirely that weekend.

All I can say is “Wow!”  This book may be one of my all time favorites, and one of the most challenging I’ve read recently.

Keller has dug deep into our innermost beings and identified our idols. This isn’t simply a surface level examination. He goes straight to the heart.

And what he uncovers is painful, and yet cleansing.

If you’ve never read Counterfeit Gods, I suggest you get a copy immediately. It’s worth your time.

Top Posts For September 2011

Fall is in full swing around the country. I just spent a week in Colorado Springs, at Glen Eyrie, for CIY Wilderness. Wilderness is a retreat designed for youth leaders. It was excellent. The mountains were beautiful, the aspens were in the peak of fall color. Absolutely incredible.

And as fall hits full swing, I expect things here on to pick up as well. In fact, they already have. September saw an increase in pageviews over the summer months. And many of my posts were read far more than in months past.

That excites me greatly!

And I have several things planned for this fall that should help expand these results as well. Stay tuned for what I think will be some great things! Word Picture for September 2011

In case you missed them, here are my top seven posts for September:

  1. Hubble Deep Space Field
  2. Four Reasons Why I Won’t Miss CIY Wilderness
  3. Video Review: Book Book Cases For iPhone 4 and iPad 2
  4. Book Review: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  5. The Maniac And The Messiah
  6. The Difference Between Purpose, Vision, And Mission
  7. Holding History In Your Hands

As usual, my post containing a photo of the Hubble Deep Space Field made the list. It does every month, and receives far more hits than anything else on my blog.

My post about CIY Wilderness, and why I wouldn’t miss it for anything made the list this month. That excited me, but wasn’t really a surprise.

One of the top posts is a book review which was written two years ago. This is the second month in a row, and the fourth month this year that this post has made the list.

Overall, September was a scarce month for my blog. I only wrote eight articles, five of which were from the series on memorizing the Sermon on the Mount. With the crazy summer that my family and I have experienced, it’s really no surprise that I haven’t been able to write much. However, with things back into a normal routine, my writing schedule should stabilize as well. To those of you who’ve stuck with me through this period, many thanks.

My personal favorite post this month was Four Reasons Why I Won’t Miss CIY Wilderness. Which one was yours?

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.


My Go To Books On Marriage

As a minister, I have the opportunity to perform a wedding every now and then. As a youth minister, I don’t get to do this as often as our lead minister does, but I still get a request every now and then.

I was just asked a few days ago, in fact. I have the opportunity to perform the wedding for one of the college girls involved with our Junior High ministry. That is an incredible and exciting privilege for me.

Wedding Rings On A Marriage Certificate

While the actual wedding isn’t scheduled until June of next year, this topic is now on my mind. A lot. I have planning to do, pre-marital counseling to prepare for, and a lot of details I have to get into place. Granted, I have plenty of time. But it’s frequently on my mind.

As I dug through my shelves, looking for marriage resources, I came across several that I seem to turn to every time I do a wedding. Or talk with people about marriage. Or lead a small group study on marriage.

I thought I’d list them here.

Here are my top seven go to books on the topic of marriage.

Top Posts For August 2011

Summer is officially over for me. School has started, and our youth ministry is in full swing. We kicked off our fall programming with record numbers since I’ve been with this church.

I’m pretty excited about it.

And things here at are going pretty well also. I haven’t had the opportunity to write as much this summer as I would have liked, but that didn’t stop the activity on my blog. Word Picture for August 2011

In case you missed them, here are my top six posts for August:

  1. Hubble Deep Space Field
  2. Video Review: Book Book Cases For iPhone 4 and iPad 2
  3. Book Review: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  4. The Maniac And The Messiah
  5. 16 Things You Can Do To Beat The Blahs
  6. Book Review: The Little Red Book Of Wisdom by Mark DeMoss

It never fails that my photo of the Hubble Deep Space Field makes the top of this list every month. It receives ten times more views than anything else on my site. Every month.

My first ever video review made it into the top posts this month also. That’s pretty exciting.

Two of the top posts are book reviews, one of which was written two years ago. That shows me that people are reading my reviews, even if the discussion is scarce on those posts.

My About Page also received a significant amount of visits as well, as it does every month. That continues to convince me that a quality About Page is a must.  Mine still needs some work, but I have tons of great ideas to implement.

My personal favorite post this month was 16 Things You Can Do To Beat The Blahs. Which one was yours?

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.

Video Review: Book Book Cases for iPhone 4 and iPad 2

Over the past week, I received two new products from 12 South. I received the Book Book for iPhone 4 and another one for the iPad.

Book Book for iPhone 4

Book Book for iPad

I’m pretty excited about both of these products. I ordered the iPhone case directly from 12 South, and the iPad case came from

I received the iPhone case first. I started to rip into the packaging, when I had a brilliant idea: I should open and install these on my first ever video blog.

Top Posts For July 2011

With July over, my summer is starting to wind down a bit. That means my schedule will be returning to some semblance of normal. And that means that I’ll be able to dedicate more time to writing.

But just because summer required a lighter writing schedule for me, that doesn’t mean that my site wasn’t active. July wasn’t quite up to the level that I’ve seen over the past few months, but I expect that to rebound throughout the fall.

Here’s a quick look at what July looked like. Word Picture for July 2011

In case you missed them, here are my top six posts for July:

  1. Hubble Deep Space Field
  2. 11 Things I Love About Field Notes Brand Journals
  3. Two Funerals And A Wedding
  4. Book Review: The Little Red Book Of Wisdom by Mark DeMoss
  5. 8 Reasons Why I Love Summer Church Camp
  6. Book Review: Eat Mor Chikin; Inspire More People by S. Truett Cathy

Once again, two of my book reviews made the list this month. I’m glad to see that my reviews are being read frequently.

My personal favorite post this month was 9 Things You Can Do To Eliminate Stress. Which one was yours?

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.