The only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion.  Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.

Benjamin Rush

We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.  Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net.  Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate for any other.

John Adams

Scripture Stickies: And The Winner Is…

Last week, I wrote a review of Scripture Stickies, Post-It notes printed with passages of Scripture that can help you memorize.

Along with my review, I presented three opportunities to win a set of Scripture Stickies for yourself.

These things are pretty cool. It’s such a simple concept. You take one and stick it where you’ll see it frequently. Every time you see it and read it, you’re that much closer to memorizing it.

Scripture Stickies

I had three packets to give away, to three commenters. However, only one person left a comment. She will receive all three packets: Friendship, Love, and Get Well Soon.

And so, the winner is…

Trisha Irvin!

Each packet that Trisha receives comes with ten stickies, two each of five verses on any given topic. That’s a total of 30 Scripture Stickies that Trisha will be able to stick around her home! That’s pretty cool.

Don’t forget…

Readers of receive an additional bonus when they order Scripture Stickies! If you make a purchase from, enter the code “RANDLEMAN” at checkout to receive a ten percent discount and free shipping!

Congratulations to Trisha Irvin. I hope these Scripture Stickies are a fun and encouraging resource enabling her to memorize more passages from God’s Word.

What do you do to help you memorize Scripture? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Top Posts For January 2012

It is hard to believe that the first month of the year is already over!

It’s been a busy month around here, and it seems as if January simply flew by.

But it’s been a great month nonetheless. I’ve been able to focus on reading the Bible like I’ve never been able to before. It’s been pretty exciting for me.

January Word Picture from

In case you missed them, here are my top seven posts for the month of January:

  1. The Principle Of The Path by Andy Stanley – Extended Review Part 4
  2. The Maniac And The Messiah
  3. The Difference Between Purpose, Vision, and Mission
  4. Tips For Becoming More Consistent In Your Bible Reading
  5. Memorize Scripture in 2012
  6. E.M. Bounds On Prayer… One More Time
  7. 2012 Bible Reading Plans

I was very surprised to see that my post containing an image of the Hubble Deep Space Field didn’t make it onto the list this month. In fact, I found it to be so far down the list, as to be almost unviewed. I suspect that this is related to the fact that it was hacked late last year, and it may take a little while to fully recover from that.

Three of my top posts deal with reading and memorizing the Bible. This is no surprise, since January is a great time for people to consider reading their Bibles the year. In fact, another post, not on this list, contains a give-away of Scripture Stickies, a resource to help you memorize Scripture this year. There is still time to enter to win!

Of the nineteen posts written in January, my favorite post from the month was Changing To A Standing Desk, a post I wrote about losing my chair in my office. Which one was yours?

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.

Using Scripture Stickies To Memorize The Word, And A Chance To Win A Set

One of the most prominent features of is the weekly scripture memorization post.

I try to memorize God’s Word on a regular basis, placing key passages into my heart and mind so that I can draw on them when I need them.

In 2011, I worked to memorize the Sermon on the Mount. This year, I’m memorizing several selected passages that have impacted me throughout the years.

Recently, Julie Alvarez, of, contacted me. She asked if I would be willing to use and review her Scripture Stickies, and give away a few sets.

Scripture Stickies

I was more than happy to give them a look. And I’m pretty impressed.

Sometimes, the most innovate inventions are the most simple. And simplicity is exactly what Julie Alvarez has implemented in Scripture Stickies.

Scripture Stickies are nothing more than Post-It Notes, imprinted with passages of Scripture, that are easily placed just about anywhere you can think of. By strategically placing God’s Word all around you, where you can see and read it often, you can easily memorize dozens of passages in no time at all. Check out their video:

Top Posts For December 2011

2012! It’s a new year!

And I have lots of ideas and goals for this year.

Last week, I posted my Top 10 Posts of 2011. It was a crazy good year.

But the last month of the year was my busiest in terms of writing. With my series, Gifts of the Holidays, I kept myself pretty busy!

December Word Picture from

In case you missed them, here are my top seven posts for December:

  1. Hubble Deep Space Field
  2. The Principle Of The Path by Andy Stanley – Extended Review Part 4
  3. Sitting Is Killing You!
  4. Video Review: Book Book Cases For iPhone 4 and iPad 2
  5. The Maniac And The Messiah
  6. 2012 Bible Reading Plans
  7. Tips For Becoming More Consistent In Your Bible Reading

As usual, my post containing an image of the Hubble Deep Space Field generated an enormous amount of traffic.

Only one of my top posts this time was a book review. And all but two of the top posts were from 2011. Interesting. Most of the time it’s just the opposite

As I mentioned, I wrote a lot this month, mainly due to the Gifts of the Holidays series. My favorite post from December comes from that series, Our Tradition: Family Advent Nights. Which one was yours?

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.