Top Posts For May 2012

May has come and gone, and with it our big move to Florida. We arrived on May 2, and have spent the last few weeks settling in and getting unpacked. And… we still have a lot of boxes to open. I really dislike that part of moving…

As a result, I haven’t written as much in the past few weeks as I would have liked to write. However, things are settling into a great routine, so that will begin to change. And I am ready to drop back into a consistent writing schedule.

May Word Picture from

In case you missed them, here are my top seven posts for the month of May:

  1. The Difference Between Purpose, Vision, and Mission
  2. The Maniac And The Messiah
  3. Tips For Becoming More Consistent In Your Bible Reading
  4. Book Review – The Fourth Fisherman by Joe Kissack
  5. Why You Need To Develop A Philosophy Of Ministry
  6. The Battle For A Biblical Worldview
  7. Memorize Scripture With Me!

Only one of this month’s top posts was written this month, and it was also the only book review to make the list. Everything else has been available on my site for a while, and being read time after time. That excites me because I want my material to be timeless and helpful continually. That seems to be happening with several posts.

I am a bit surprised that the post about our move to Florida didn’t make the list this month. I guess that just means that everyone already know by now. Good!

My favorite post written in May was The Importance Of Passion. This is written partly as a rebuttal to the general state of apathy that exists in much of America today, and partly in response to a need I see in leadership circles. I enjoyed it, and will have a few more tying into it in the near future.

I also have a couple of guest post opportunities coming up. Stay tuned for more info on those as they happen!

Today marks the beginning of the summer months. And with summer comes church camp and lots of activities. You may be reading about some new experiences this summer for my family and I. Enjoy the summer!

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.

Stop To Salute On Memorial Day

Today in the United States, we celebrate Memorial Day in honor of those who have died in the service of our country. Originally created to honor those in the Union Army who died in the Civil War, it was expanded after the first World War to include American casualties of any war or military action. Take a look at this infographic for more information about this holiday.

Memorial Day 2012

In honor of those we remember, I’d like to share this story from Capt. John Rasmussen, who, in 2009, was a chaplain with Multinational Division North in Bosnia. This story was found on the official Army website, but doesn’t seem to be there any longer. It was shared on the Army News Service on May 22, 2002.

Stop To Salute On Memorial Day

It was raining “cats and dogs,” and I was late for physical training. Traffic was backed up at Fort Campbell, Ky., and was moving way too slowly. I was probably going to be late and I was growing more and more impatient.

The pace slowed almost to a standstill as I passed Memorial Grove, the site built to honor the soldiers who died in the Gander airplane crash, the worst redeployment accident in the history of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). Because it was close to Memorial Day, a small American flag had been placed in the ground next to each soldier’s memorial plaque.