Top Posts For June 2012

Summer is here, and with it comes the busiest part of the year in youth ministry. So far this summer, I’ve been to two weeks of church camp, along with a mission trip to JAARS, in Waxhaw, NC.

It’s been crazy and overwhelmingly busy. But it’s been incredible as well.

July and August both hold another week of church camp. However, they are spread out enough that I’ll have some time home in between them.

June Word Picture from

In case you missed them, here are my top seven posts for the month of June:

  1. The Difference Between Purpose, Vision, and Mission
  2. Why A Daughter Needs A Dad
  3. The Maniac And The Messiah
  4. Tips For Becoming More Consistent In Your Bible Reading
  5. Memorize Scripture With Me!
  6. Video Review: Book Book Cases for iPhone 4 and iPad 2
  7. Book Review – Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Since we moved from Missouri in May, writing schedule has been severely disrupted. Summer activities have only added to my inability to find the time I’d like to write. As a result, I haven’t posted as much new content as I’d like to. I’m sure that contributed to the fact that all seven of these posts are older posts, some of them written quite a while ago.

My favorite post written in June was Impacting The Future With The Past. While on our mission trip to JAARS, my daughter and I were deeply moved by a conversation we had with a women who spent most of her life in a foreign country, translating the Bible into their language. The impact on our lives is difficult to assess.

I’m looking forward to what God will do in July! Enjoy your summer!

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.

The Dad Life

Yesterday was Father’s Day. I didn’t get much of a chance to celebrate it with my family this year due to the church camp season. I’m at camp right now with my son, Titus, and a few other boys from our church.

I stumbled across this video over the weekend. It’s good enough to share here. Enjoy!

As a father of five, with another due around the first of the year, this is amusingly accurate.  I can’t even begin to imagine all the things I’ve missed out on because my finances and resources went to family events or clothes or dental work or camp tuitions or…  And you know what?  I really don’t care what I may have missed.  I have an incredible family.

Todd, from Familyman Ministries, calls this  phenomenon “dad cool”. If you’re a father, I recommend that you subscribe to his newsletter.  He always has some great stuff going on.

What did you do to celebbrate Father’s Day? You can share your thoughts in the comment section below.