Top Posts For July 2012

It is hard to believe that summer is drawing to a close! August is here!

That means back to school for most students. We homeschool, and with our move from Missouri, we had some catching up to do, so I’m afraid my kids didn’t get much of a summer break…

But back to school is an important time in youth ministry. Students will be moving back into a regular routine, which means the craziness of summer will be slowing down somewhat. Just in time for the craziness of fall to begin!

August still holds another week of church camp for me, so things are still pretty busy. And when you add car repairs, a pregnancy, and a neighborhood of friendly kids, our house remains pretty busy.

July Word Picture from

In case you missed them, here are my top seven posts for the month of July:

  1. The Difference Between Purpose, Vision, and Mission
  2. Trying A New Bible Reading System
  3. 8 Reasons Why I Love Summer Church Camp
  4. Book Review – Ear Mor Chikin; Inspire More People by S. Truett Cathy
  5. Tips For Becoming More Consistent In Your Bible Reading
  6. Book Review – Empty Promises by Pete Wilson
  7. Memorize Scripture With Me!

One of the main reasons I started blogging a few years ago was to read and review books I received from various publishers. That aspect of my blog is still going strong, with two of my top seven being book reviews. One of them I wrote recently, the other is from a few years ago.

The rest of my list is filled with posts dealing with spiritual growth or youth ministry. Both are topics I write on frequently, so it’s good to know that I have found my niche in the blogging world. That said, July was also the start of a new aspect of my blog: The Dad Toolbox.

This is a topic I plan to expand and fill out significantly in the coming months. I see a tremendous need for fathers to step up and become great dads. This has become a passionate topic for me over the last several years. Hopefully, my thoughts and experiences will be able to help other fathers become great dads.

My favorite post written in June was the opening post from that series: 12 Way To Be A Great Dad (Or Mom). While these are simple ideas, they aren’t always the easiest. But they are crucial.

As August starts, I’m pretty excited to see what it holds. Enjoy!

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.