Top Posts For September 2012

I am continually amazed at how quickly the months fly by. Summer is over, school is in session, and fall is in full swing, even though it still feels like summer here on the Gulf Coast of Florida.

Things are starting to settle into a routine for the family now. We have adjusted to our new home pretty well, although a few things still seem kind of crazy; we have a storage unit with a lot of stuff in it that we need to integrate into our home, but won’t happen until we sell the house in Missouri and purchase one here. Until then, I am having a hard time finding anything when I need it. It always ends up being in a box in the garage or in the storage facility.

Other than that, we seem to be making the adjustments necessary to our new community, new church, and new friends. We really love Florida!

September Word Picture From

With a new location, I guess my creative juices were inspired in different ways. I have a project in the works that will be unveiled in the month of October. It will be a resource that I hope will help dads become great dads, and give them the tools and resources to be deliberate and intentional in their role as a father. More on that in the very near future!

In case you missed them, here are my top seven posts for the month of September:

  1. The Difference Between Purpose, Vision, and Mission
  2. Tips For Becoming More Consistent In Your Bible Reading
  3. Why You Need To Develop A Philosophy Of Ministry
  4. The Maniac And The Messiah
  5. My Current Philosophy Of Ministry
  6. Trying A New Bible Reading System
  7. Book Review: Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas

For the past few months, something from my series of posts on purpose, mission and vision have made this list. It’s pretty encouraging to see so many people reading my material on this topic.

As for the rest of this list for the month, two posts were about reading the Bible. I suspect that this is because of one individual contacting me asking if he could reprint my Tips post in his church newsletter. This may have helped generate more traffic to these articles.

The last post on the list is a book review from almost three years ago. I loved this book, and a lot of the rest of Gary Thomas’ material that I’ve read.

I’ve started a new weekly post, called Coffee Break. The first post of this type was published yesterday, so it hasn’t had the time to see a lot of traffic yet. But I’m excited about it. Every week, Coffee Break will share a few of the fun, interesting and challenging things from around the web that I’ve read over the past few days. Check it out!

My favorite post written in September was one I wrote about a new series of lessons I’m teaching the teens at our church, looking at some of the miracles that Jesus performed: Believing In Miracles. So far this has been a refreshing look at some well known stories from the New Testament.

October promises to be great! Have a great month!

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.

Top Posts For August 2012

Summer seems to be officially over, now that it is September.

And with the end of the busy summer season, most kids are back in school. We homeschool, so our kids are still running around the house.

But, for the most part, my schedule will begin to settle down a bit. I hope…

I have a lot of reading to catch up on, and a lot of writing as well. I’ve got a couple of projects in the works that I hope will become very fruitful as ministry tools.

Speaking of tools, August was a month of focus for me as a dad. I wrote several articles in the Dad Toolbox series. I’m looking forward to more!

August Word Picture from

In case you missed them, here are my top seven posts for the month of August:

  1. The Difference Between Purpose, Vision, and Mission
  2. Memorize Scripture With Me!
  3. Why You Need To Develop A Philosophy Of Ministry
  4. Tips For Becoming More Consistent In Your Bible Reading
  5. My Current Philosophy Of Ministry
  6. Why A Daughter Needs A Dad
  7. The Principle Of The Path by Andy Stanley – Extended Review Part 5

I was slightly amazed to see that the number one post for this month had almost six times as many views as the next one on the list! And it’s been in the number one spot since May! That’s pretty awesome to me.

The rest of my list is filled with posts dealing with spiritual growth or youth ministry, and the final two spots are book reviews.

One topic that didn’t make the list, yet, is my new series on becoming a Dad of significance. The Dad Toolbox is a series I started at the end of July, and I have some incredible plans concerning this that I hope to share in the very near future. I see a tremendous need for fathers to step up and become great dads. While this has been an important thing to me over the last several years, in the past few weeks, it’s become a burning passion. I’ve been devouring books, periodicals, and blogs on the subject, and find myself craving more. Not just information, but I find myself craving to become the best dad I can possibly be.

My favorite post written in July was part of that series: Being An Intentional Dad. In order to be a great dad, you have to be intentional. You have to be deliberate.

I’m looking forward to see how September unfolds and what’s in store!

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.