Top Posts For October 2012

Fall is in full swing, and cooler weather is upon us. It’s time for bonfires and hot dog roasts, hay rides and football.

It seems like the year has flown by quicker than usual. It’s hard for me to believe that the holidays are almost here. And November brings two birthdays in our family as well. Lots to celebrate!

October Word Picture from

Even though I spent some time in Colorado during October, my writing was almost back to normal. I’m still tweaking and adjusting my schedule in my new ministry situation in Florida. It seems as though a routine has been harder to find. But that has has helped me to be creative in how I structure my time, and more intentional about how I use it.

I was able to write more during the month though. And, in case you missed them, here are my top seven posts for the month of October:

  1. The Difference Between Purpose, Vision, and Mission
  2. Why You Need To Develop A Philosophy Of Ministry
  3. How I Revive My Spirit
  4. The Maniac And The Messiah
  5. My Current Philosophy Of Ministry
  6. Tips For Becoming More Consistent In Your Bible Reading
  7. Video Review: Book Book Cases for iPhone 4 and iPad 2

My material in the Foundations of Youth Ministry series continues to make this list. Resources on purpose, vision and philosophy of ministry are needed, and the amount of traffic my posts receive bear this out.

Tips For Becoming More Consistent In Your Bible Reading continues to make the list every few months, along with The Maniac And The Messiah.

Several of my posts have been picked up and published at This site does a great job of putting materials in one place that can facilitate your spiritual growth. Check it out!

My favorite post written in October was one I wrote about my experience with TSA when I flew home from Colorado, and how it applies to youth ministry: Toothpaste, TSA, and Youth Ministry.

Have a great November!

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.