Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 4

We are up to week four!

If you are interested in memorizing the Sermon on the Mount, but haven’t started yet, here’s the introductory post.  And here’s the first week.

I know I’ve said this before, but I’ve found that keeping an index card in my pocket works best. Each time I reach into my pocket for my keys, I feel the card. Every time I feel the card, I pull it out and read it. I’ve made that my rule, and it seems to be working for me.

Here’s our passage for this week: Matthew 5:9-10.

Matthew 5:9-10

And here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

How’s it going for you?

Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 3

Ready for week three?

Here it is.

I’ve found that keeping an index card in my pocket works best. Each time I reach into my pocket for my keys, I feel the card. My rule for myself is this: every time I feel the card, I pull it out and read it. Works great!

Here’s our passage for this week: Matthew 5:7-8.

Matthew 5:7-8

And here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

How are you doing?

Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 2

Week one went pretty well for me. I copied the verses down onto an index card, and kept it in my pocket all week. It’s pretty dog-eared…

Here’s week two.

Again, write it down on an index card so you can keep in your pocket or in a visible location. Place it strategically, so that you will see it frequently throughout the week. Read it several times a day. Recite it aloud a lot. By the end of the week, it will be yours!

Here’s our passage for this week: Matthew 5:4-6.

Week 02 - Matthew 5:4-6

And here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

How did week 1 go for you?

Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 1

I’m memorizing Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount this year. I’ve been neglecting the discipline of Scripture memorization, and decided that 2011 will be different.

I would love for you to join me in this endeavor!

Here’s how it will work. Every weekend, from now through Christmas, I will post a new passage from Matthew 5, 6, and 7. Some passages will be only a verse or two. A few will be three or four.

Write it down on an index card so you can keep in your pocket or in a visible location. Place it strategically, so that you will see it frequently throughout the week. Read it several times a day. Recite it aloud a lot. By the end of the week, it will be yours!

Here’s our passage for this week: Matthew 5:1-3.

Week 01 - Matthew 5:1-3

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

Good luck!

Let me know how it goes in the comments.

Memorize Scripture With Me!

One of the things I used to do frequently was memorize significant passages from the Bible. I did this faithfully while I was in Bible college, partly because it was assigned, but also because I wanted to hide God’s Word in my heart. I memorized dozens of verses.

Man Holding Bible in the Mountains

But I haven’t done that in recent years. And I really don’t have a good excuse for why I stopped.

I’m going to start again….

In 2011, I’m going to memorize the entire Sermon on the Mount, a verse or two at a time.

And I’d like you to join me in this.