Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 11

This week’s passage seems pretty applicable for Easter.  These verses speak on reconciliation.  And that’s what Easter is all about: Christ reconciling us to himself.

Pretty cool how that worked out.

The passage for this week is Matthew 5:23-24.

Matthew 5:23-24

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

How are you doing with this?  Let me know in the comments.


Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 10

Week 10!  We’ve come a long way!

I don’t know about you, but memorizing the Sermon on the Mount is being very rewarding.  It seems as if God is speaking the truth of each week’s passage into my life during the very week I’m memorizing it.  Pretty amazing!  My guess is that this week will be no different.

The passage for this week is Matthew 5:21-22.  This is the murder/anger passage, and is very applicable in our world today.

Matthew 5:21-22

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

Has any particular passage we’ve memorized so far really spoken to you?  Let me know in the comments.


Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 9

We’re up to week 9 as we memorize the Sermon on the Mount.

I’ve been really encouraged by these chapters from the book of Matthew.  This memorization goal has been great for me, so far.  And I only expect it to continue to get better the further we memorize in this passage.

The passage for this week is Matthew 5:19-20.

Matthew 5:19-20

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

So far, what part of the Sermon of the Mount do you love the best?  Let me know in the comments.

Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 8

I’m posting this section of the Sermon on the Mount a day late.  I apologize for any inconvenience.  You’ll understand why it’s late when you read this post.

I don’t know about you, but memorizing Scripture helps me to have a better grasp of the passage being memorized.  I’m seeing things in these verses that I’ve never noticed before.  Things seem to stand out more, somehow.

The passage for this week is Matthew 5:17-18.

Matthew 5:17-18

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

I hope you’re having as much fun with this as I am!  Let me know in the comments.


Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 7

Moving forward in Matthew 5. This week we’re working on the city on a hill passage.

The Sermon on the Mount is one of my favorite passages in the New Testament. I love the simplicity with which Jesus gives such practical advice.

Memorizing Scripture is easy. I find it easiest to write out the passage, or print it out, and place it someplace where I will see it frequently. The more I read it, the more likely I am to have it memorized by the end of the week.

A lot of people tell me that they can’t memorize anything. I don’t believe that. I think they just haven’t exercised their memorization muscles enough to keep them limber. If that’s you, keep at it. It gets easier with time.

Here’s our passage for this week: Matthew 5:14-16.

Matthew 5:14-16

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

Let me know how you’re doing!

Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 6

This week’s verse to memorize is an easy one. It’s one you’ve probably heard for most of your life, in Sunday School.

If you’d like to join me in memorizing the Sermon on the Mount during 2011, here’s the first week. It’s not too late to catch up; or you could just jump right in with us right now.

I know I’ve said this before, but here it is again. Here’s my method: I write the verses on an index card and keep it in my pocket. Each time I reach into my pocket for my keys, I feel the card. Every time I feel the card, I pull it out and read it.

Here’s our passage for this week: Matthew 5:13.

Matthew 5:13

And here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

What other passages would you like to memorize? I’d love to memorize Psalm 119!

Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 5

Memorize the Sermon on the Mount along with me!  Here’s week 5!

The Sermon on the Mount is probably one of my favorite passage in the New Testament.  There is so much practical advice packed into these three chapters.  It’s definitely worth committing to memory.  If you’d like to join me in memorizing the Sermon on the Mount during 2011, here’s the first week.

Here’s my method:  I write the verses on an index card and keep it in my pocket.  Each time I reach into my pocket for my keys, I feel the card.  Every time I feel the card, I pull it out and read it.

Here’s our passage for this week:  Matthew 5:11-12.

Matthew 5:11-12

And here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

My strategy is to use the index card method as I described.  How do you memorize Scripture?