In last week’s passage, Paul instructed Timothy to “guard the good deposit.” But just what does that mean? In order to demonstrate to Timothy what he is referring to, Paul gives two examples of those who haven’t kept the faith, followed by an example of one who has.
Take a look at this week’s passage in 2 Timothy 1:15-16:
This seems like a trivial piece of Paul’s letter to Timothy. It sounds a bit personal, and Paul mentions names of people that we don’t know much about. The temptation is to pass over it, paying little attention to it.
But that would be a mistake. There is much we can learn from this seemingly insignificant passage.
There are two lines of thought concerning this passage. There are some that think this paragraph and the following should be connected with chapter one. This is where our Bibles place it. It gives examples of a couple of men who were ashamed of the gospel and of Paul, and the example of one who was not. If this is the correct assumption, then Paul is explaining to Timothy why it is so critical that he keep the good deposit.
On the other hand, some think that this should be placed with the first few verses of chapter two. Since others in the faith have walked away from it, with the exception of one man, then Paul is encouraging Timothy to stay strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
Either way, we are faced with the fact that this passage raises a few questions. Let’s take a look at a few of the more obvious ones.