One of the most practical of letters in the New Testament is Peter’s first epistle. In this short letter, he gives a vast amount of wisdom and input on how to live as strangers in this world, regarding ourselves as citizens of a heavenly kingdom. Although it may be short, 1 Peter is extremely challenging to our spiritual lives.
You can read the letter of 1 Peter here.
Several years ago, I decided to make a stronger effort in my life to memorize Scripture. I began with the Sermon on the Mount, moved to a series of several key and favorite passages, and over the past few years, have worked on memorizing the letters of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, and most recently, Philippians.
Sometimes this is easy, sometimes it becomes a bit more challenging. Some passages are easier to grasp than others it seems. But the effort has been well worth it, because I have a much more solid grasp on these portions of the Bible than I ever have before.
My next challenge to myself is to memorize Peter’s first letter. This letter is one of the most practical portions of the New Testament, giving some significant insights into daily matters, such as living with holiness, how to view authority, marriage and family relationships, and much, much more. 1 Peter only contains five brief chapters, but is packed full of some great input for our daily spiritual lives.
I plan to begin memorizing chapter one next week. This week, I want to give a brief overview of the letter and an introduction to 1 Peter.