This is part of the series How To Develop A Daily Routine. Check out more from the series!
A daily routine is essential if you want to be as effective as possible in your day to day activities. While there is a danger of developing a rut, a healthy routine can help you get more done, and done better, each day.
I’ve found that there are four basic steps in establishing a daily routine. You can make this is simple or as complicated as you want. But no matter how elaborate you want your routine to be, these four actions can help you set things in order in your routine.
Begin by looking at all the tasks that you need to accomplish each day. If you already have a routine that you’d like to tweak or improve, begin with these three areas: tasks that you already do, tasks that you need to add, and tasks that you need to eliminate or delegate. If you do not already have a routine, start by asking yourself a few questions, identifying what you need to do each day in areas like getting ready for work, preparing meals, housekeeping, errands, and anything else you do on a day to day basis.
Do this by making a list, adding everything you can think of. You can purge unnecessary tasks later if you don’t need them.