Leadership happens at a variety of levels in any organization. So many different levels equals a lot of different people contributing to the success of the mission, and the accomplishment of the vision. With so many irons in the fire, how can each of the players participate in seeing success?
Take a church for example. Our church has several different levels of leadership. We have a group of elders who are the primary, spiritual leaders of our church. Then there’s the lead minister, which is my role. I play a very visible part in the leadership of our church.
Then there are our deacons, and ministry team leaders, and various other levels of leadership.
As perhaps the most visible leader in our church, I see my role being fulfilled in a couple of different ways. First, I play a significant part in casting the vision to our leadership team and to our congregation. But second, I also want to make sure that the rest of our people here are successful in their roles.
In a very real way, their success… in the children’s ministry, or the worship team, or benevolence and outreach to the community… is my success. And that equals success for the church as a whole.
I see four ways that I can help others in my organization succeed, so that we all win.