This week I read Wayne Cordeiro’s Leading On Empty: Refilling Your Tank And Renewing Your Passion. It was a very interesting book. Cordeiro stresses the importance of continually refueling and refreshing yourself, so that you can continue to minister within your strengths and passions.
Cordeiro speaks from experience. He describes a point in his life where he hit the wall. He had poured himself out so much and so often that he had nothing left to give. He was burnt out, stressed, and depressed, and in danger of seriously impacting his health and life if he didn’t make some serious and immediate changes.
Leading On Empty describes those changes. It is also a plea to others to put safeguards into effect before reaching the point of burnout.
While I don’t feel that I’m to that point, I do have seasons of life and ministry that tend to drain me. And so, Cordeiro’s advice hit pretty close to home, in many ways. There are several things I’ve decided to implement in my life as a result of reading Leading On Empty.