Titus For You

Titus For You (The Good Book Company, 2014)

I’ve been very impressed with The Good Book Company’s new (non)commentary series. So far, I’ve read and enjoyed Judges For You, Romans 1-7 For You, and Galatians For You. This week, I received Titus For You, and I’m looking forward to really digging into it. I read through the first chapter yesterday, and it promises to be as good as the rest.

The biggest question in my mind is that this is the first of the series I’ve read that isn’t written by Tim Keller. The fact that this is by another author, Tim Chester, means that it will be written in a different style. I’m interested to see how it flows.

If it’s anything like the rest of the series, it will be a great resource for understanding the letter Paul wrote to Titus. Look for my full review in a few days. In the meantime, you can find it on Amazon.com.

Be The Dad She Needs You To Be

Be The Dad She Needs You To Be (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 2014)

As a father of three daughters, this book caught my eye. This book by Dr. Kevin Leman is a call to dads to step it up when it comes to their daughters. Daughters need a dad that is loving, and is actively engaged in their life. Dr. Leman claims that this father-daughter relationship is the most important relationship in her life.

This promises to be a great resource for dads of daughters to add to their arsenal. Look for my full review in a few days.  In the meantime, you can find it on Amazon.com.

The Watchers in Jewish and Christian Traditions

The Watchers in Jewish and Christian Traditions (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014)

I received this book a few days ago from Fortress Press.  I’m not sure I will agree with it completely, since I think the pertinent passages in Genesis should be read a bit differently. However, I’m interested to see how this has been treated through the centuries.  Look for my full review in a few days.

The Israeli Solution

The Israeli Solution (New York: Crown Forum, 2014)

This is what I’ve been reading this week…

Peace in the Middle East has been elusive for generations.  A native of Jerusalem, and deeply involved in the negotiations surrounding Israel and its neighbors, Glick has a first-hand view of events, and a good idea of what it might take to establish peace.  That’s what The Israeli Solution is all about.


Beowulf: A Translation And Commentary (Boston/New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014)

I received this in the mail last week.  I’m really looking forward to digging into it, since I’m such a huge Tolkien fan.  If you love the classic literature, and Tolkien, you need to get a copy of this and read it.  It’s brand new, just released last week.  I’m taking it with me on my trip to Oklahoma. Hopefully, I’ll be able to spend some time in it while there.