One of the most frequent questions I hear regarding the Creation/evolution discussion concerns the appearance of age. How can the universe be so young when it looks old?
Taken at face value, Genesis presents us with a dilemma. If we read the Creation account literally, we find that the earth and the universe were created around 6000 years ago. This is in direct opposition to what the evolutionary model of our origins tells us. Currently, the evolutionary model estimates that the universe is 13.6 billion years old. But which view is correct?
If we truly accept God’s Word as infallible, then we need to trust it in all matters, including science. Anytime science disagrees with Scripture, we have to assume that science doesn’t have all the facts. Throughout history, the Bible has repeatedly been shown to be accurate in scientific matters, as well as all manner of other areas. So, Genesis must be correct concerning the age of our universe as well. Our knowledge is limited, finite. We need to trust that God knows all the answers, even though we may not. Why are we so quick to ignore the God of Creation concerning matters that he obviously know more about than we do?