Why Does A Young Creation Have The Appearance Of Being Old?

One of the most frequent questions I hear regarding the Creation/evolution discussion concerns the appearance of age. How can the universe be so young when it looks old?

Eagle Nebula

Taken at face value, Genesis presents us with a dilemma. If we read the Creation account literally, we find that the earth and the universe were created around 6000 years ago. This is in direct opposition to what the evolutionary model of our origins tells us. Currently, the evolutionary model estimates that the universe is 13.6 billion years old. But which view is correct?

If we truly accept God’s Word as infallible, then we need to trust it in all matters, including science. Anytime science disagrees with Scripture, we have to assume that science doesn’t have all the facts. Throughout history, the Bible has repeatedly been shown to be accurate in scientific matters, as well as all manner of other areas. So, Genesis must be correct concerning the age of our universe as well. Our knowledge is limited, finite. We need to trust that God knows all the answers, even though we may not. Why are we so quick to ignore the God of Creation concerning matters that he obviously know more about than we do?

Fossilized Octopus Evidence For Noah’s Flood

Octopus in Shallow Water

Recently, five octopus fossils were discovered in Lebanon. Supposedly 95 million years old, these fossils are remarkably well preserved, including all eight tentacles, and even evidence of suckers and traces of ink!

It’s surprising that the octopuses even became fossils. Since an octopus doesn’t have any hard parts, other than the beak, its body decomposes very quickly into a mushy blob and is gone in a matter of days.

According to evolutionary theory, in order to become fossilized, an octopus would have to sink to the ocean floor, and slowly become buried by sediment, all without decomposing, or being eaten by scavengers or bacteria. That scenario isn’t likely. In fact, even Charles Darwin, in his uniformitarian thinking, wrote, “No organism wholly soft can be preserved” (The Origin of Species, first published 1859, quote taken from p. 422 of the 6th Edition, 1872, reprinted 1902).

In order for this creature to become a fossil, it had to be buried very rapidly. Something catastrophic would have had to happen to make an octopus quickly sink to the ocean floor and be buried before any decomposition could take place, much less be eaten by another animal for dinner!

4 In 10 Americans Still Hold Creationist Views

Science on MSNBC posted an article last week citing a recent Gallup poll on Americans’ views of creation versus evolution. Gallup found that 40% of Americans believe God created humans about 10,000 years ago. An additional 38% believe that God used evolution, a model called “theistic evolution”. And only 16% believe that humans evolved over millions of years without any divine intervention.

While I suspect these numbers are slightly skewed, they are somewhat encouraging and discouraging at the same time. Encouraging because there is a significant amount of people out there who accept a recent Creation as told in Genesis. Discouraging because the smallest segment has the loudest voice, and to listen to the media, these 16% have solved the issue of mankind’s origins definitively.

That’s simply not true.

Spectacular New Images From the Hubble Telescope

“NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope is back in action following a much-needed upgrade after astronauts repaired its intricate machinery from space in a daring mission in May. NASA has provided an array of marvelous images showing off the telescope’s new capabilities.”

Check out the slide show here.

The heavens are declaring the glory of God, the handiwork of God, and the righteousness of God (Psalm 19:1; 50:6).

What an awesome God we serve!

God’s Blood: The Name God Gave Adam

Dirty Hands

Here’s another interesting bit of Genesis creation information that I found intriguing.When God created man and woman, he named the man Adam (Genesis 5:2). In the original Hebrew Adam’s name has a very interesting etymology, and refers to his own blood.

“A” refers to God, as it does in numerous other instances in the Hebrew language, such as “Adoni.”

The rest of the word, “dam”, has several meanings, foremost of which is “red, ruddy”, even “bloody.”

And so, “Adam” literally means “God’s blood.” That speaks volumes about our relationship to God; we truly are God’s children.

Hubble Deep Space Field

Hubble Deep Space Field

Recently, I was reading about our incredible universe, this work of God’s hands.  Here’s an amazing fact I learned. This just blows my mind.

Imagine yourself looking at the night sky. You take a single grain of sand, and you hold it at arms-length above you, blocking out a tiny portion of the night sky above you.

If you were to train the Hubble Telescope on that portion of night sky that you blocked out, do you know what you would see? The image above shows what the Hubble Telescope found. Not just hundreds of more stars; but hundreds of more galaxies! Each galaxy contains an estimated one billion stars!

And this is truly amazing.  As God was explaining to Job about creation, He talked about how he made the heavens and the earth.  And then, almost as a afterthought, he added, “Oh yeah, I made all the stars too.”  This image displays a part of this “afterthought” never before visible.

Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God!

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.  There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard (Psalm 19:1-3).